常用漢字(小学校三年生) Flashcards
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:チ、チン、チョウ、テイ、トウ Kunyomi:ひのと
town, ward, even numbered street
Can also be used as a counter for guns and tools
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:セ、セイ、ソウ Kunyomi:よ
generation, public, society, the world
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: リョウ Kunyomi:てる、ふたつ
both, two, old Japanese coin
Can also be used as a counter for carriages
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:シュ、シュウ、ス Kunyomi:あるじ、おも、ぬじ
chief, lord, main,master, principal
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:ショウ、ジョウ Kunyomi:のり、のせる、のる
board, join, mount,multiplication,power, record, ride
Can also be used as a counter for vehicles
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:シャ、ヨ Kunyomi:(あらかじ)め
I, myself, beforehand, previous
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:ジ、ズ Kunyomi:こと、つかう、つかえる
business, matter, fact, possibility, reasoning, object
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:シ、ジ Kunyomi:つか(える)
attend, official, service, serve
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:タ Kunyomi:ほか
other, another
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:タイ、ダイ Kunyomi:か、が、しろ、よ
(this kanji can be used as a counter for decades, time periods, etc)
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: チュウ、ジュウ、ヂュう Kunyomi:す、ず
live, dwell, inhabiting, to reside in
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:シ Kunyomi:つか、ずか
messenger, ambassador,cause, envoy, use, order, mission
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:ケイ Kunyomi:かがり、かかる、かかわる、
concering oneself, connection, duty, person in charge
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:バイ Kunyomi:ー
double, double fold, fold, times (multiply), twice
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: ゼン Kunyomi:ずべて、まったく
all, complete, entire, fulfill, whole
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:グ Kunyomi:そな(える)、つぶさ(に)
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:シャ、ジャ Kunyomi:うつ(し)、うつ(す)、うつ(る)
to photograph, to copy, to describe
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:レ、レツ Kunyomi:ー
column, file, rank, row, tier
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:ジョ Kunyomi:すけ、す(ける)、たす(かる)、たす(ける)
assist, help, rescue
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:ベン Kunyomi:つと(める)
diligent, encourage, endeavour, exertion, effort, strive
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: ドウ Kunyomi:うご(かす)、うご(く)
motion, move, shake,shift, confusion, change
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:ショウ Kunyomi:が(ち)、か(つ)、かつ、すぐ(れる)、まさ(る)
excel, prevail, victory, win
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: カ、ケ Kunyomi:け(する)、ば(かす)、ば(ける)、ふ(ける)
change, delude, enchant,
influence, transform
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:オウ、ク、コウ Kunyomi:ー
district, ward
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi:イ Kunyomi:い(する)、い(やす)、くすし
doctor, medicine
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi:
What is the meaning of this kanji?
Onyomi: Kunyomi: