关于种植 Flashcards
- the roots
- permanent wood (trunk, arm/cordon)
- one-year-old wood (cane,spur)
- green parts of the vine(shoot: buds, leaves,tendrils, flowers and berries)
Buds turns into shoots,Shoots turn into woods,
- cane (long,8~20buds)
- spur (short,2~3buds)
Vine needs 5 things:
- heat
- sunlight
- water
- nutrients
- carbon dioxide
- heat (too cold -> vine will not grow or will struggle to survive)
- sunlight (photosynthesis)
- carbon dioxide
- water >to produce glucose and oxygen
- nutrients(extracted from soil) ->combine with glucose to support its growth
Factors affecting heat: 6
Latitude Altitude Ocean currents Fog Soil Aspect
Ocean currents如何影响vine
__1___ transport __2__ across the ___3___ of the ocean,
leading to localized warming or cooling in certain wine regions.
- The major currents
- Large volumes of warm or cold water
- Surface
Cool regions down: - The Humboldt Current off Chile - The Benguela Current off South Africa Warm regions up: - The Gulf Stream (the north-west of Europe)
fog can help cool an area that may otherwise struggle to produce high-quality grapes.
Soils that are either dark in color or that have a high stone and rock content
absorb and reradiate more of the sun’s heat than lighter colored soils.
Soils with high water content require more energy to warm up,
and conduct heat from the vine more quickly than dry soils.
This can delay budburst.
The vineyards with an aspect facing the Equator receive the most heat.
In the Northern Hemisphere south facing slopes get the most warmth
whereas in the Southern Hemisphere it is the north facing slopes.
This phenomenon is especially important in cool climates where the extra warmth can make the difference between a vine being able to ripen a crop or not.
The _____ between the coldest and the hottest ______ is referred to as Continentality.
- temperature difference
- months
A region’s continentality will determine the length of ____________ and this can has an impact on _______.
This in turn will influence what grape varieties can be successfully grown there.
- the growing season
- the total amount of heat available to a vine
_______ have the warming/cooling effect on the surrounding air.
Areas ______ generally have low continentality whereas wine regions that are _______ usually see more temperature extremes and have high continentality.
- Large bodies of water such as seas or lakes
- close to large bodies of water
- far inland
Diurnal range is _____________.
- the difference between daytime and night-time temperatures.
During the ripening,
cool nights can _________
warm nights can _________
- help slow the loss of aromas and acidity.
- accelerate ripening.
An example for diurnal range can help:
In a region with a warm or hot climate, a vineyard with a large diurnal range can produce wines that are _______ compare with a vineyard that has smaller diurnal range.
-fresher and more aromatic
影响vineyard的diurnal range的两个方面
- its proximity to seas and lakes or even small bodies of water like river (can reduce its diurnal range)
- the level of cloud cover
seas lakes rivers如何影响的diurnal range?(2)
They can
- hold enough warmth to keep adjacent vineyards warm overnight
- provide cooling breezes during the day.
Level of cloud cover 如何影响diurnal range?
Temperature :
- drop more quickly on clear nights ( there is no insulating blanket of cloud->increasing DR)
- rise more slowly on cloudy days (sunlight cannot heat the ground directly- reducing DR)
关于气温的灾害temperature hazards 分三个季节阶段, winter: Spring frosts: growing season:
- Winter (-20C, most at risk is the graft, earthing up)
- Spring frosts (cold air freeze water vapour, buds/shoot)
- The growing season (1. cold spring delay budburst -> shorten the growing season -> no enough time for the grapes to ripen fully 2. Cold temperature -> flowering and fruit set disrupted -> smaller than average crop
Spring frosts
There are 4 main form of protection :
- Heater
- Wind machine
- Sprinkler
- Thoughtful vineyard design
Heaters如何应对Spring frosts
- Heaters may be placed throughout the vineyard and lit if frost is forecast.
- The heat they generate creates movement in the air preventing the cold air from settling and causing the frost.
Wind machine against spring frosts
A large fan that draws warm air from above to keep the temperature at ground above freezing.
Some wind machines incorporate heaters.
Sprinklers against frosts, how?
They spray water onto the vines.
As the water freezes, it releases some heat into the plant tissue protecting the buds and shoots.
Thoughtful vineyard design can also minimise the risk of frosts. How
Cold air sinks to the lowest point it can find, it is best to plant vineyards on slopes and avoid depressions in which cold air can collect.
Vineyards planted on the middle of the slope are noticeably less at risk from frost damage than those in lower lying areas.
Vines can also be trained high to avoid the worst of the cold air.
Factors affecting sunlight: (3)
- Latitude
- Sea and lakes
- Aspect
Latitude affecting sunlight, how:
Day length during the summer growing season is longer the further the vineyard is from the Equator.
(This extra sunlight is an important factor that helps Rieslings to ripen in Germany)
Seas and lakes affecting sunlight, how
Seas and lakes:
- Vineyards near large bodies of water tend to experience more cloud cover.
- Regions at the centre of large land masses tend to be sunnier.
- In some cases, vineyards situated above rivers or lakes can benefit from sunlight reflected from the surface of water
Sunlight hazards:
Not enough: (cloudy conditions) -flowering period -fruit set period =>smaller crop of grapes - growing season => the slowing in photosynthesis can stop grapes ripening fully
Too intense:
cause sunburn
=>leading to bitter flavors developing in the grape skins
Sun hazards 可以用什么方法来管理
The grape grower can arrange and manage _____1______, known as the ___2___, to ensure that ______3______ is maximized in very cloudy areas or that _____4____ is provided in extremely sunny regions.
- the leaves of the vine
- vine canopy
- sunlight
- enough shade
The vine needs water for ____1______ and to _____2______during ripening.
- photosynthesis
2. swell its grapes
The vine accesses water through ____1____, in a process known as ___2____, water is drawn up to the leaves.
- its roots
2. transpiration
The amount of water the vine needs is determined by _______.
the temperature
As it gets warmer, water evaporates from the vine’s leaves at a faster rate, meaning that the vine needs to _________.
take up more water from the soil to compensate.
Once a sufficient canopy of leaves has grown, ____1_____ can be beneficial for grape ripening.
This has the added advantage of reducing the impact of _____2_____ because the canopy _____3______.
- limiting the supply of water
- shading
- does not grow too large
If the vine has enough water to keep photosynthesizing but the shortage of water means that the vine ________ rather than _______
- concentrates on grape ripening
2. further shoot growing
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the most important source of water but, if it is insufficient, then it can be supplemented with irrigation if local laws permit. There are three irrigation techniques: 1. 2. 3.
- Drip irrigation
- Sprinklers
- Flood irrigation
Drip irrigation: This is the most advanced and expensive.
Each vine has _____1______ that can be _____2_____ to ensure that each vine gets _____3_____ of water.
- its own dripper
- computer controlled
- the optimum amount
These are still widely used and cheaper than drip irrigation but have 2 disadvantages:
- They waste a lot of water
2. Like rain, they create damp conditions in the vineyards increasing the risk of disease.
Flood irrigation: very cheap to use but is only possible in vineyards that are ___1___ or ____2____ and where there is ____3____.
- flat
- very gently sloping
- access to large quantities of water
Water hazards: (3)
- Drought
- Too much water
- Hail
If there is a water shortage the vine can temporarily stop ____1_____ in order to ______2______.
During prolonged shortages or drought,
vines suffer from ____3___;
____4____stops, leaves ___5___ and grapes ____6___.
Ultimately this can __7__ and __8__ a vine.
- transpiration
- preserve its resources
- water stress
- photosynthesis
- wilt
- fail to ripen
- weaken
- kill
If the vine has access to too much water during the growing season the vine will ________1__________ during the ripening season, leaving ___2____ for ripening grapes.
Furthermore, the ________3________ increase the _______4_______ in the canopy, which restricts grape ripening.
In extreme cases, a waterlogged soil can cause _______5_______.
- continue to grow shoots and leaves
- less sugar
- extra shoots and leaves
- amount of shading
- the roots to become saturated and die
Waterlogging can be avoided by
1 _______
2 ________
planting vines on a slope or on flat sites,
installing drainage pipes to aid the flow of water away from the roots.
Flowering and fruit set can both be disrupted by heavy rainfall and this can significantly reduce _________.
the number of grapes that are formed.
____ conditions that follow rainfall also encourage ____________.
The spread of fungal disease
Heavy rain shortly before harvest time can cause_____1_____.
This _____2_____ in the wine they produce and in extreme cases the berries _____3____ that they ___4___, which attracts ___5____.
- the berries to swell excessively
- dilutes the flavors
- swell so much
- split
- fungal disease
Hail can damages grapes and even the vine itself.
In the worst cases it can destroy an entire crop.
Some area such as ______1_______ are particularly prone to hail.
In certain vineyards ____2____ is used to protect the vine, which is quite costly.
Hail storms tend to be very ____3___ and so ultimately the best protection may be to reduce risk of losing the whole crop by ______4______
- Mendoza in Argentina
- netting
- localized
- owning several vineyard sites in different location.
4 climates and its average temperature during the growing season
Cool climates: 16.5C or below
Moderate climates: 16.5~18.5C
Warm climates: 18.5~21C
Hot climates: in excess of 21C
Growing season of northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere
April to October (north)
October to April (south)
Average temperature + continentality + sunlight + rainfall = climate
- continental climate
- maritime climate
- mediterranean climate
Continental climate特点:
- high continentality
- Short summers with a large, rapid temperature drop in autumn
- Dry summer so if the temperature is high then irrigation can be necessary
Cool continental climates such as __1__ and ___2__ are at risk from ___3____, and ___4____ throughout the growing season can affect ___5____, ____6____ and ___7___.
1 Chablis 2 Champagne 3 spring frosts 4 low temperatures 5 flowering 6 fruit set 7 ripening
Cool continental climate适合种的葡萄:
varieties that bud late and ripen early.
Maritime climate are characterized by ____________and __________.
Rainfall tends to be _________, which helps to moderate the temperature.
1 cool to moderate temperatures
2 low continentality (a low annual difference between the hottest and coldest months)
3 evenly spread throughout the year
Bordeaux can successfully ripen the thick-skinned grape variety ______, which might otherwise struggle to ripen at this latitude.
Because its ______ climate.
Cabernet Sauvignon
Maritime climate 的降雨风险
rainfall in the _____ and _____ can be harmful to the ______, _______
________ at _____.
Spring and summer :Flowering, fruit set
health of the grapes at harvest
Mediterranean climates are also characterized by ___________ between the hottest and coldest months but the summers tend to be ______and______.
low temperature difference
warm and dry
Mediterranean climates are to be found throughout the Mediterranean, as well as : 1. 2. 3. 4.
Much of coastal California
South Africa
South Eastern Australia
Mediterranean climate气候特征对酒/葡萄的影响
The extra warmth and sunlight, compare with maritime climates, leads to wines that are ______ bodied, with _______ tannins, ____alcohol and ______levels of acidity.
The lower rainfall can have a positive effect on _______ but also lead to _____
fuller bodied
with riper tannins
higher alcohol
lower levels of acidity
The health of the grapes
Soil supplies the vine with ____ and ____ and therefore plays a critical role in grape growing.
water and nutrients
Soil composition:的特点 Stones Sand Clay Humus
stone: on the surface of a soil can help heat up a vineyard
Sand: the largest particles
Clay: the smallest particles
Humus: rich in plant nutrients, excellent water retaining properties
Soil and water
Grape quality is affected by the _____1_____ that is available in the soil.
Ideally, the vine needs ____2___ early in the season to support ____3_____ and ___4____.
Followed by _____5____ after ___6___, this has been shown to promote grape ripening.
1 the amount of water 2 a good supply of water 3 strong shoot 4 leaf growth 5 mild water stress 6 véraison
______ and _____ do not hold water well and facilitate water drainage.
Therefore, if there is too much ____ and _____in a soil, insufficient water may be retained and irrigation may be needed, even in areas of high rainfall.
Sand particles and stones
If a soil contains too much clay it can easily become ______, which in extreme cases can kill the vine’s root.
Many of the best soils are made up of a mixture of sand and clay particles, known as _____.
These soils have good _____ but ______for vine growth.
retain enough water
The most important nutrients for a vine are:(3)
- nitrogen
- phosphorus
- potassium
If levels of nutrients are too high, the vine will :
grow too vigorously
produce a dense leafy canopy that shades the fruit too much.
A common symptom linked to a lack of nutrients is ________.
The leaves ___1___
and the vine’s ability to photosynthesis is ___2___
Grapes _____3______ and their ______4 ______ is reduced.
- turn yellow
- restricted
- struggle to ripen properly
- quality and quantity
Chlorosis, the problem can be solved by _______
using an appropriate fertilizer.