This class was created by Brainscape user Nancy He. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Food Fermentation
Main purpose of food fermentation,
3 ways to start fermentation reac...,
4 benefits of fermenting
18  cards
Acetic acid is also known as ____...,
Acetic acid bacteria are involved...,
What is the basic metabolic pathw...
52  cards
Lactic acid is also known as,
What organism makes lactic acid a...,
Where can lactic acid be found in...
61  cards
The main species of yeast implica...,
Where is s cerevisiae normally fo...,
Cell morphology of s cerevisiae
47  cards
Beer, Wine, Cider
What is the composition of beer,
The process of beer production is...,
How is density of the developing ...
71  cards
Cocoa, Tea, Coffee
The 2 common species of coffee bean,
What are the 3 methods of coffee ...,
What is the purpose of the fermen...
45  cards
Fermented Dairy Products
What microorganisms are used in d...,
Why are lab so critical in dairy ...,
What does ph of a dairy ferment a...
69  cards
Fermented Vegetable Products
What are some common vegetable fe...,
What are the microorganisms found...,
True false lab are the dominant m...
54  cards
Lab Material
Composition of bpa,
45  cards
Meat Fermentation
What type of fermentation start m...,
Why does meat and fish spoil quickly,
What are the main bacteria in mea...
39  cards
Human Microbiome
Define microbiome,
True false there are more microbi...,
True false the human microbiome i...
15  cards
Techniques in Microbiome Study
True false sequencing a microbiom...,
What is the difference between a ...,
The 3 techniques important for mi...
34  cards
Fao defined probiotics as,
What are abiotics and what impact...,
What are prebiotics
35  cards
Microbial Spoilage + Public Health Concerns (1)
True false spoilage means a food ...,
Meat poultry and fish are ____ fo...,
Where does contamination of meats...
61  cards
Microbial Spoilage + Public Health Concerns (2)
Milk is prone resistant to spoila...,
What process is required for all ...,
Why doesnt milk support growth of...
63  cards
Physical Methods of Food Preservation
What are the purposes of modern f...,
What is inactivation of microbes ...,
True false physical methods of fo...
70  cards
Chemical preservation
What are preservatives,
Why cant preservatives extend the...,
2 classes of preservatives what i...
40  cards
Biological Methods of Preservation
Define biopreservation give some ...,
What is controlled acidification,
What is microgard
51  cards
Antibiotics in the Food Supply
What are the main applications of...,
What is amr,
What was the earliest type of ant...
36  cards
Biosecurity, Adulteration, Food Supply Protection
What is the legal definition of f...,
What are some forms of food adult...,
What is food security
18  cards
Microbial Risk Assessment + HACCP
What is risk,
3 parts of risk analysis,
The ___ was established in 1963 b...
21  cards

More about
food microbiology

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