Zoology week 1 Flashcards
Polyphyletic: unicellular eukaryotic, have pellicles, contractile vacuoles, sexual and asexual
Protozoan supergroup: may be oldest eukaryotes, groove for suspension feeding, posterior flagellum to create feeding currents
Protozoan supergroup: for pseudopodia for feeding and locomotion, no cell wall but some have tests (shells), feed by phagocytosis, binary fission
Protozoan supergroup: cell body, crown of microvilli and flagellum for feeding currents, can form colonies such as proterospongia
Broad group containing Animalia, choanozoa and fungi: synapomorphy is flat Cristal in mitochondria
sponge phylum: asymmetric (superficially radial), cellular organisation, central cavity for filter feeding, choanocytes for feeding and reproduction (also amoeboid cells), contractile pinacocytes, spicules and spongin for defines and support, planktonic larvae free living for 2 days
Jellyfish, sea anemones and corals, radial or biracial, tissue organisation: diploblastic (epidermis and gastrodermis), mesoglea, gastrovasular cavity, nerve net, CNIDOCYTES
Alternation of generations (planula)
Cnidarian class: sea anemones and corals, NO MEDUSA STAGE mouth+pharynx lead to gastrovascular cavity which is divided my mesentaries, mesoglea contains amoeboid cells
Sea anemones: solitary, can collapse when threatened, limited mobility
Corals: colonial, calcium carbonate exoskeleton, mutualistic with zooxanthellae algae
true jellyfish: medusa is dominant life stage, amoeboid mesoglia, cnidocytes in epidermis and gastrodermis, gametes in gastrodermis
Hydra: acellular mesoglea, gametes released outside of body, cnidocytes only in epidermis, polyp is the dominant life stage
Animalia phylum: comb jellies/sea walnuts, have muscles and nerve net, diploma/triploblastic, have an anal opening, only animals that don’t have hox genes