Zoning Districts Flashcards
Agricultural/Resource Conservation
Rural Heritage
Urban Residential
Community Development
Rural Residential
Business and Recreational
General Industry
Indication of District Boundaries?
Center lines of highways, roads, streets, alleys or railroad right-of-way or such lines extended or lines parallel or perpendicular thereto, or section, half-section, quarter-section, quarter-quarter-section or other fractional section lines of the United States public land surveys
Purpose of A/RC district?
To protect the working agricultural landscape of Winona County as a means to ensure the continued viability of this resource as called for in the Comprehensive Plan.
Goal of A/RC district?
Preservation and promotion of agriculture as a viable land use activity throughout the county. Decisions made should reflect the importance of maintaining agricultural bmps and support maintaining and sustaining the vitality of family farms
Implementation Strategies for Agricultural Areas?
- complete a digital parcel map layer within the next 5 years
- review the county’s Zoning Ordinance and include additional agricultural zones that reflect the size of farms, production, and location
- consider the use of declaratory statements for non-farm dwellings
- implement the sections of the Winona County Water Plan that relate to agricultural land practices and water management
- review and strengthen the County’s agricultural zoning classification to further protect agricultural land and promote sustainable farming practices
Purpose of RH district?
To recognize the existence of single-family residences and their accessory structures on rural properties prior to the adoption of the Ordinance. To respect the rights of property owners to expand and modify their residences and enjoy their lands.
Design requirements for RH district?
- expansion or modification of a structure may occur through the issuance of a Development Certificate as long as the improvement is in the opposite direction fo the bluff/slope setbacks
- an expansion of a structure toward a bluff/slope setback or if the structure is entirely within these designated areas can only occur after a staff review to verify the project satisfies the; admission of an erosion plan, submission of an inspection report documenting the conditions of septic system, impervious surface coverage of the lot does not exceed 60%, no light spillage onto adjacent properties or public right-of-way
Purpose of UR district?
To recognize and allow low-density residential development in unincorporated areas that have been developed or are surrounded by developed lands and are near a municipality
Implementation strategies for Urban Expansion Areas?
- develop PUD criteria for area that require central sewer and water, orderly annexation agreements, open space, cluster development and accordance with major street and highway plans
- develop zoning and subdivision regulations for areas that are consistent between the cities and the county
- develop major street and highway plans for the area that are consistent with the cities, County and regional transportation objectives
- develop open space plans for areas that are consistent between the cities and county
- modify subdivision ordinances to provide for re-subdividing land into smaller lots and securing additional right-of-way and land dedication for utilities and other public infrastructure
Purpose of the CD district?
To allow continuation and limited expansion of existing land uses in the unincorporated communities throughout the County. Designed for maximum flexibility within standards related to public health and safety
Implementation strategies for rural development?
- continue to require that 2 or more lots under single ownership be combined to meet the minimum lot size and sanitary sewer provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to minimize or eliminate potential pollution problems
- continue to use mixed-use planned development districts for these rural communities to recognize the existing development in these areas
- develop an interchange zoning district for freeway interchanges
Purpose of RR district?
To allow low-density residential development in areas near a municipality that have been developed and are not suitable for agricultural or timber production and will not adversely impact agricultural or timber production or natural resource area
Purpose of B district?
To provide a wide range of goods and services, commercial and recreational, for local residents and the traveling public
Performance standards for B district?
- highway businesses shall be located only adjacent to thoroughfares
- each development shall provide a service road between thoroughfares and the business establishment and the service road shall have access only to the thoroughfare
- no service road shall have direct access to local residential streets nor shall highway business oriented traffic be routed on or directed through local residential areas
Purpose of the I district?
To provide for general and highway oriented industries and industrial uses, agricultural, excavation and timber harvesting
Implementation strategies for I district?
- continue to support and work with Winona Joint Corporation Committee (WAJCC) or similar committees on economic development
- develop and maintain relationships with MN Dept or Trade and Economic Development to encourage economic growth and business diversification
- utilize studies to identify needs and strategies
- encourage agricultural related industry to locate in the County, especially where facilities already exist
- Update the Zoning Ordinance to include regulations on adult oriented businesses that reduce secondary effects on the community, and community, and restricts location
- develop economic development plans that are flexible enough to respond to change and enable communities to capitalize on opportunities. Should encourage retention of young people in the county
Reasons Natural Features Overlay District was composed?
- intrinsic value of natural areas and wildlife
- flood control and the treatment of stormwater runoff
- acknowledgment of historic resources and their educational and artistic significance
- recreational amenities
- aesthetic and quality of life contributions
Intent and purpose of Natural Features Overlay districts?
To conserve the sensitive and unique environmental areas of Winona County by implementing polices. Focus includes the critical geological and environmental attributes found throughout the County in forms of shorelands, floodplains, wetlands, steep slopes, bluff lands, and karst features. Goal to protect the public from injury and property damage due to flooding, erosion, and other natural hazards that may be intensified by developing environmentally sensitive lands, as well as protecting natural resources for their public benefits.
Purpose of Shoreland district?
- designate suitable land use districts for each public water
- regulate the placement of sanitary and waste disposal facilities on lots
- regulate the area of a lot and the length of water frontage suitable for building site
- regulate alteration of the shorelands of public waters
Shoreland Classification Scheme?
NE - Natural Environment GD - General Development R - Remote river segments F - Forested river segments T - Transition river segments A - Agricultural river segments Tr - Tributary river segments
Purpose of Shoreland districts performance standards?
To mange the effects of shoreland and water surface crowding, to prevent pollution of surface and ground waters of the state, to provide ample space on lots for sewage treatment systems, to minimize damage cause by flood and erosion, to maintain property values, to maintain historic values of significant historic sites, and to maintain ecological integrity and natural characteristics of shorelands and adjacent water areas
Goal of Wetland Conservation Act?
No net loss of Minnesota’s remaining wetlands by protecting wetlands not protected under MNDNR’s public waters permit program
Recognized benefits of wetlands by WCA?
- water quality, including filtering pollutants out of surface water and groundwater, using nutrients that would otherwise pollute public waters, trapping sediments, protecting shoreline, and recharging groundwater supplies
- floodwater and stormwater retention, including reducing the potential for flooding in the watershed
- public recreation and education, including hunting and fishing areas, wildlife viewing areas, and nature areas
- commercial benefits, including wild rice and cranberry growing areas and aquaculture areas
- fish and wildlife benefits
- low-flow augmentation during times of drought
Performance standards for wetlands?
- entire extent of wetlands shall not be altered, regarded, filled, piped, diverted, or built upon except where state, and/or federal permits have been obtained
- development must be set back a minimum of 100 feet from the delineated edge of any wetland
Performance standards for development within steep slopes/bluffs?
- required to submit a site plan created by a licensed engineer or professional geologist
- proposed developments that occurs within slopes between 18-25% shall be allowed only by a conditional use permit
- developments and other land disturbing activities are prohibited on slopes over 25%, such slopes shall be preserved in their natural state
- development prohibited between the toe and top of the bluff
- 100 foot setback shall be observed from the top of the bluff of al bluffs which have a total height of 100 feet or more
- timber harvesting and selective cutting for approved forest management purposes shall be in accordance
- properties containing woodlands shall not disturb more than 1 acre of the woodlands for altering, regarding, clearing or building except as specifically provided in an approved land disturbance permit
Performance standards for Karst features?
- dumping of refuse, garbage, sewage, barnyard waste, carcasses, chemicals, hazardous waste in sinkholes in prohibited
- primary or initial responsibility for cleaning up sinkholes shall fall on party who have deposited prohibited materials into a sinkhole
- proposed dwellings/accessory structures must maintain a setback of 100 feet from any known sinkhole, unless sinkhole has been grouted using SWCD methods
- proposed septic drainfields and tanks must maintain a setback of 100 feet from any known sinkhole
- stormwater should be diverted away or around any known sinkhole