Zoning Flashcards
In determining whether zoning ordinances create unnecessary burdens or hardships, what things might be considered? (3 things)
(1) The purpose of the zoning in question - what is it trying to accomplish?
(2) Impact of the zoning on the property
(3) The effect on the neighborhood or on the public interest in general
T/F: You have a better chance challenging a zoning issue if you can point to a specific problem relating to:
Where a property is placed
How a particular zone is defined
The allowed uses of a specific zone
Zoning is said to serve public health, morals, safety, and welfare, making it an exercise of what state power?
Police Power
To survive a challenge, zoning decisions must be? (2 things)
Reasonable and non-arbitrary
T/F: Sometimes a challenger to a zoning ordinance can make argument that its inconsistent with general or comprehensive plan
T/F: Overall, zoning is a matter for legislative bodies and the connected branches (not really courts)
When is a conditional use permit appropriate?
If decided that something could reasonably fit into a use zone, even though the specific use is not listed in the ordinance
T/F: A variance is basically a waiver or exception to a zoning ordinance
What is the difference between an “area variance” and a “use variance”?
Area variance
- Goes to the size, location, height of the building
Use variance
- Regulates what you can do on the property
What is the “Central Requirement” to being granted a variance?
The person seeking the variance has a “hardship”
- Requirements vary from place to place
- A hardship justifying a variance must relate to the actual site
- Won’t work if you yourself created the hardship
T/F: Spot zoning (or a map amendment) is not a problem if it serves the general purposes of a community and the comprehensive zoning plan is still intact
True (Bartram v. Zoning Comm. of Bridgeport)
A refusal to act in accordance with the zoning yet the city allows them to carry on what they are doing. This is known as?
A nonconformity
What is the most discussed possibility for resolving a nonconformity?
Amortization: Nonconformities have to terminate after a certain amount of time has gone by (as long as its reasonable)
T/F: In PA Northwestern Distributors v. Zoning Board of Moon, the court considered 90 days a reasonable amount of time for “amortization” requiring an adult bookstore to close down.
False - 90 days is NOT reasonable
T/F: In City of LA v Gage, the court considered 5 years to be a reasonable amount of time for amortization.
T/F: The law is more willing to see aesthetics as a sole reason for denying sign designs
T/F: In the San Diego Metro Media case, an ordinance completely banning billboards in San Diego is sustainable
False - likely to be first amendment issues - much better to have elaborate or detailed ordinances relating to size, nature, and location rather than an all out ban
What are some techniques towns use to control growth via zoning? (5)
(1) Moratoria on development
(2) Quotas on development
(3) Timed sequential development
(4) Urban growth boundaries (drawing a line where residential starts)
(5) Population limits
According to the Suburban Sanitary Case what will a court look to in determining whether a moratoria on development is reasonable? (2 things)
Purpose and duration