Z got wrong Flashcards
(b) (i) It took longer for the veins in the leaf to become red?
- water moved up through the stem
- through xylem vessels
- reference to transpiration
- description of transpiration
- veins contain xylem vessels
define decomposition
small molecules being formed from larger ones;
(iii) Explain why the temperature of the reacting mixture needs to be kept constant.
- temperature affects rate of reaction
- so control needed so rate investigation data is valid/ ref. to fair test
- additional collision theory detail related to rate
(ii) State one property that is the same for all electromagnetic waves.
wave speed
speed of wavelength
300 000 000 m/s
describe the function of ciliated cell
cells secrete mucus ;
mucus traps pathogens ;
cilia push mucus containing pathogens
away from lungs / into throat ;
whats in tobaco smokes that affect cilia/ciliated cell
smoke particles/tar
how smoke particles/tar affect cilia, ciliated cell
- cilia - paralysed/destroyed by (extra) mucus / mucus is not removed
- ciliated - cell secrete more mucus
Suggest why gasoline boils over a range of temperatures
gasoline is a mixture
gasoline all have different boiling points
Explain, in terms of molecules and forces, why the properties of fuels are different ( diesel/gasoline)
molecules in gasoline are smaller
π attractive forces between molecules are lower
πless energy needed to separate molecules
State and explain how a covering of metallic zinc provides sacrificial protection of steel
from rusting
O2+H2O react with iron go form rust
π zinc provides barrier between iron and environment ;
πzinc more reactive than iron
π zinc oxidises rather than iron
suggest how bat detect water surface
reference to water having smooth surface
sound waves scattered in many direction from rough surface
bat receive more echoes form rough surface
explain what is ment by a.c of frequency 50Hz
alternating current
changes 50 times per second
describe the role of capillaries in vilus
absorb amino acids
absorb glucose
which dissolves in blood (plasma
when light from air enter water
wavelength changes
speed changes
frequency remains