Yuh Flashcards
Allows businesses to spot inefficiencies and open the door to rectify them
Continuous Improvement
Fix what’s broken
Continually improve a process that isn’t broken
Improvement through innovation or technological advancement
Occurs when a structured system having standardized inputs is performing unacceptably from the user’s viewpoint
Resemble compliance problems except they are not specified by standards
Occurs when the system is performing unacceptably from the viewpoint of its owners or operators
Involve the development of new products and the improvement of existing products
Product Design
A four-step problem-solving iterative technique used to improve business processes. Useful for testing improvement measures on a small scale before updating procedures and working practices
Deming’s PDCA Cycle
Involves identifying a goal or purpose, formulating a theory, defining success metrics and putting a plan into action
Testing starts once the planning phase rests in a hypothesis about potential changes that will lead to measurable improvement
Includes monitoring the effect of the implementation plan and finding countermeasures if necessary to further improve the solution
Closes the cycle, integrating the learning generated by the entire process, which can be used to adjust the goal
Look for ways to turn challenges into potential benefits. Consider the problem from various viewpoints. Think about how the problem affects different stakeholders and industries
Identify the Opportunity
Involves assessing how you currently approach problems and identifying areas for improvement. Identify the root causes of problems
Analyze the Current Process
Encouraging brainstorming to generate potential solutions. Assess each potential solution based on criteria
Develop the Optimal Solutions
Rolling out the changes to the entire organization. Putting your revised plan into action on a larger scale
Implement Changes
Assessing the outcomes of the changes you’ve implemented. Involves analyzing whether the changes have met the set goals or not
Study the Results
Making the revised processes the new norm. Ensures that the improvements become a permanent part of the organization’s culture
Standardize the Solution
Focuses on long-term sustainability and continuous improvement. Setting new goals and identifying new opportunities for improvement
Plan for the Future
A Japanese term meaning change for the better, concerning processes that continuously improve operations and involve all employees
Involves examining and redesigning business processes and workflows in your organization
Business Process Reengineering
The way we perform our work
Business Process
A process where you measure your company’s success against similar companies to discover if a performance gap can be closed by improving your performance
Involves comparing performance with a top performer. About improving parts of your company by looking at successful companies in the industry
Strategic Benchmarking
Identifying the best practices in the industry, comparing them with the company’s current practices
Operational Benchmarking
Set of methodologies and tools to improve business processes by reducing defects and errors, minimizing variation, and increasing quality and efficiency