Yr 1 Definitions Flashcards
Define ‘gene mutation’
change in the base/nucleotide (sequence of chromosomes/DNA)
Define “universal”
The same codon/triplet always codes for the same amino acid
each base is only part of one triplet/codon
more than one codon/triplet codes for each amino acid
quaternary structure of a protein
more than one polypeptide joined
what is a gene
a sequence of DNA (nucleotide) bases that codes for a polypeptide
substitution mutation
replacement of a base by a different base in DNA
homologous pair of chromosomes
pairs of chromosomes with genes for same features at same loci
hydrolysis of large/insoluble substances into smaller/soluble substances
group of similar cells with a common origin
smaller/repeating unit from which polymers are made
unsaturated fatty acid
one with double bonds b/n carbon
a protein catalyst which lowers activation energy
a different form of a gene
molecule made up of many identical/similar molecules/monomers
complete set of genes in a cell
full range of proteins that a cell can produce
a mass of cells/tissue caused by uncontrolled cell division
a foreign protein that stimulates an immune response/production of antibody
a protein specific to an antigen; produced by B-cells
monoclonal antibody
Antibodies with the same tertiary structure produced from identical plasma cells
independent variable
variable that is changed
a microorganism that causes disease
an organ
a group of tissues
a vaccine
something which contains antigens or dead/weakened pathogen that stimulates production of antibodies
a clone
genetically identical cells or individuals
malignant tumour
mass of undifferentiated cells, caused by uncontrolled cell division; which can metastasise (spread to other parts of the body)
attenuated microorganism
microorganisms that are alive; but do not cause symptoms of disease
risk factor
something that increases chance/probability/ makes it more likely
partial pressure
a measure of concentration of gas in a mixture of gases or a liquid
mutagenic agent
something that increases the rate of mutations
a base sequence coding for a polypeptide sequence
non-coding base sequence (intron)
DNA that does not code for polypeptides; positioned between genes