youtubew Flashcards
chces ma “dostat” nachytat zabit”…napr. ze nie som vegan
do you want to bust me
za mnou, nasleduj ma
follow me
to je medzi nami
this is between us
das tam trochu banana
you put banana in
tento drink by si mohol podavat doslava v hocijakom bare
this drink literally you could serve at any bar
vedomi si zdravia (hovorime o stravovani)
health conscious (konšes)
to sa nikdy nestane
it is never gonna happen
uz si to niekedy skusaL?
have you ever tried this?
druh rezimu, urcity rezim
kind of a regimen
vyradil som vsetky jedla z cukru
I cut out just simply all sugar products
prave som si spomenul, pamatam si
I just remember
co povazujes za dolezite
what do you consider important
len sa pohybujem
i just go through the motions
pohyby a gesta
motions and gestures džestes)
bolo mi doporucene
I was advised
dosiahnes svoje ciele
you reach your goal
cokolvek ine
anything else
ked zacnes o sebe pochybovat
when you start doubting yourself
na pade nie je nic zle - na zlyhani
there is nothing wrong with falling
máme veľa pochybovačov
we have so many doubters
máme veľa pochybnosti
we have so many doubts