atomic habits Flashcards
nevedomky rozvijat schopnosti
unknowingly develop ability
okolite , vase okolie, okolo
surrounding suround
mozog si zacne vsimat
the brain begins noticing (noutising)
relevantne podnety
relevant cues
slucka, kruh navykov, kolobeh navykov
habit loop
vigilant /vidžilent)
tuzenie, chcenie , motivacie
tuzba vyriesit problem
desire to solve a problem
ocividne, urobit to zjavne
make it obvious
trvala na svojom
she insisted (insistid)
opakovanie tieto vzory
repeat this patterns (peedrns)
pravdepodobne menej sa budete pytat
the less likely become to question
prehlad o vasich zvykoch
insight about your habits
pokial niekto
unless someone
narazil som na vyskum
I came across in my research
povedomie, vedomy
awereness, aware
nasich sucasnych
our current ones
zvyk je pevne zakoreneny v tvojom zivote
habit is firmly rooted in your life
bezducho pripomin
reminds mindless
nazvyte to osut
call the fate
decisive (dezajsif)
I decided to start
rozhodla som sa zacat
poukazovanie na ine predmety, objekty
pointing at diferent objects
bude ukazovat
will point
pravdepodobne tym menej
the less likely
budeme vedome rozmyslat
we are to consciously think about
prehliadat veci
overlook things
predpokladame ,ze
we assume that
sme na to zvyknuti
we are so used to doing
či sú to vôbec správne veci
wheter it is the right things to do at all
povinnosti, zavazky
odmente sa
reward yourself