Young People Flashcards
At what age do you need to assess for competence to consent at each attendance?
Under 16 years
What should you inform young patients of at the beginning of the consultation?
The need to breach confidentiality if concerns arise. If concerns do arise, clinicians will take further action as necessary, in line with local policies and procedures.
What should you always assess for in young/vulnerable individuals?
Assess for potential abuse or exploitation
What are the 5 points of Fraser guidelines?
1) The young person understands the advice
2) The young person cannot be persuaded to inform their parents
3) The young person is likely to begin or to continue having sex with or without contraceptive treatment
4) Unless the young person receives contraceptive treatment, their physical and/or mental health is likely to suffer
5) The young person’s best interests require them to receive contraceptive advice or treatment with or without parental consent
When should you advise young people to have STI tests after UPSI?
2 and 12 weeks after UPSI
Which contraception can you recommend to young people?
- LARCs have advantages as doesn’t require remembering to take medication
- IUS and IUD are UKMEC 2 for women <20
- Nexplanon is LARC of choice for young people