Young and Dyslexic Flashcards
As a child i suffered
Anecdotal. emotive language
But learned to turn dyslexia to my advantage
A positive tone, foreshadows positive defiant tone.
No compassion, no understanding and no humanity
triplets, negative limited.
The past is a different type of country
element of hope
Then good people could do one third more good in the world
Anecdote, highlights creativity,argument.
Shut up, stupid boy. Bad people would do one third more bad
Dialogue, insults, juxtaposition and contrast to earlier quotation.
How dare you challenge me
Anecdote, example of limits of education system and racism, ‘local savages’
Why don’t you go outside and play some football?
stereotypical, -the normal, different from a young age, creative.
I remember him telling us the Nazis weren’t that bad
Anecdote, extremely racist
And partly for being a rude boy
Example of ethos, increasing his credibility and making him more likeable.
A high percentage of the prison population are dyslexic, and a high percentage of the architect population.
Statistics, contrast one another, suggest that there are only two pathways which is hyperbole.
I should be in prison:
modal verb-should implies that everything was leading in that direction and due to his actions he reversed that. Showing the younger dyslexic population and black population that it is possible to reverse the outcome. Colon draws the attention to the next sentence
A black man brought up on the wrong side of town whose family fell apart, in trouble with the police when i was a kid, unable to read and write, with no qualifications and, on top of that, dyslexic.
listing shows what he has had to overcome.
But opportunities opened form me and they missed theirs, didn’t notice them or didn’t take them
‘theirs’- possessive pronoun suggests that these opportunities were there for them to take but didn’t. Emphasises ownership of the opportunities, implying that they must work for them, also showing an element of hope for people in the same situation.
At the strat of the passage- ‘we are the architects, we are the designers’
collective pronouns emphasise team or family. parallel sentence structure. Creative skilled workers.
Do I need an operation
Humour, light-hearted tone, no awareness- naivety.
Still now, when im writing the word ‘knot’, i have to stop and think, ‘how do i write that/’ I have to draw something to let me knopw what the word is to come back to it later.
still now- temporal marker, still- adverb suggests ongoing problem, harsh reality.
If someone cant understand dyslexia it’s their
defiant tone.
In many ways being dyslexic is a natural way to be
li ks to ‘squiggle that represents a sound- language choice, squiggle-verb, shows childish mannor, people who can write are the different ones and unatural and people with dyslexia are the natural ones
Bloody non-dyslexics… who do they think they are?
‘non-dyslexics’-implies different and un natural. ‘Who do they think they are’- negative connotations, reversing the question that may be used against dyslexics, taking ownership of the phrase takes the meaning out of it. ‘bloody’-language choice- adverb, humorous, light hearted.