york notes act 1 scene analysis Flashcards
Scene 1
Key quotes:
“kind nursery” “crawl towards death”- Lear’s imagery shows that he trusts Cordelia and wants her to take care of him (links to the idea of Lear being mothered by Cordelia?)
“nothing my lord” “nothing will come of nothing”- introduces the idea of nothing, and how it causes problems. Shows Lear’s orders being directly disobeyed, which enrages him, even though she is making a protest at his poor judgment
“Thou” (when adressing Kent)- Thou is the close friend way of addressing someone, shows Kent’s closeness to Lear and how big of a mistake it was for him to banish him
Divine right of kings- King is chosen by God, so by relinquishing this power to his daughters Lear is disobeying God. The play could be seen as a punishment from God by some people (people in 1600s?)
Treatment of bastards/those with differences- was very common to treat bastards and such people as subhuman
Key things established:
Lear’s idea to distribute the kingdom, yet keep the role of king (job without any responsibilities)
Cordelia’s banishment and Kent’s banishment
Goneril and Regan’s plotting against Lear
Gloucester’s attitude towards Edmund- bastard who he is in control of
Lear’s entrance- impressive, royalty showing power
Scene 2