How does the writer show how he overcame the struggles of dyslexia? Para 1
He describes the problem in the education system when he was a child
How does the writer show how he overcame the struggles of dyslexia? Para 1
peice starts with strong verb ‘suffered’ to emphasise his hardship
How does the writer show how he overcame the struggles of dyslexia? Para 2
no compassion, no understanding and no humanity’
How does the writer show how he overcame the struggles of dyslexia? Para 2
the past is a different kind of country’
metaphor to show that the way of thinking then was almost foreign.
How does the writer show how he overcame the struggles of dyslexia? Para 2
Do I need an operation’
no one knew what it dyslexia was.
How does the writer show how he overcame the struggles of dyslexia? Para 2
- words such as ‘fighting’ ‘stab’ ‘revenge’‘stole
’ to show how this neglect from his teachers made him revert to a violent/ aggressive odds
How does the writer show how he overcame the struggles of dyslexia? Para 3
He shows how you can overcome dyslexia
- ‘I could read very basically Vs ‘profesor of poetry and creative writing’ at ‘Brunel Univeristty
- ‘I wrote more poetry, novels for teenagers, plays, other books and recorded music’ shows what he’s achieved.
- a high percentage of the prison population are dyslexic and a high percentage of the architect population’
- ‘we are the designers’
As a child I suffered, but learned to turn dyslexia to my advantage, to see the world more creatively.
personal experience and emotive language- sympathy
positive tone
We are the architects, we are the designers
emphasises that being dyslexic can lead to many possibilities
no compassion, no understanding and no humanity
rule of 3- limited education system
the past is a different kind of country.
shows that it isn’t like that now
local savages
racism and stereotypes
i got thrown out of a lot of schools, the last one at 13. I was expelled partly because of arguing with teachers on an intellectual level and partly for being a rude boy and fighting. I didn’t stab anybody, but I did take revenge on a teacher once.
A high percentage of the prison population are dyslexic, and a high percentage of the architect population
statistics and contrast- possibilities and different paths you can take based on your choices
If you look at the statistics, I should be in prison: a black man brought up on the wrong side of town whose family fell apart, in trouble with the police when I was a kid, unable to read and write, with no qualifications and, on top of that, dyslexic.
extensive listing-
things that went against him and could have held him back
missed theirs, didnt notice them or didnt take them
language choice- doesn’t say they have no possibility
i just had self-belief
simple sentence
if i can’s spell question, i just put a question mark..
strategy to deal with dyslexia
when i look at a book, the first thing i see is the size of it…
connecting with the audience
you can do this course and get the right grade because you have a good memory…
the fault in education system
so don’t be heavy on yourself
creativity muscle