Yoga School Teaching Methodology Sequence 1 Flashcards
- Stand with feet together.
- Bring you legs alive making them feel strong without locking you knees.
- Draw the tailbone down.
- Engage your low belly.
- Roll your shoulders back.
- Stand tall and lengthen you spine.
Axis Twist
- Stand with your feet together or hip distance apart.
- Extend you arms straight from your side palms facing up.
- Make them firm and alive.
- Bring you finger tips up and over.
- Rest you fingertips lightly on your shoulders now
- Relax you shoulders.
- Engage the low belly and twist from the center of your body to the ____ wall.
- Check and make sure your elbows are pointing straight out from your shoulders.
- Bring the two points of your hips to point at the front of the room.
- Exhale completely.
- Breathe in and rotate back to center.
Side Bends
- Stand in tadasana. Interlace your fingers with your palms facing down.
- Slowly raise your arms up by your ears.
- Stands tall and engage the low belly.
- Now side bend to the ___ side.
- Keep your chest open and you legs strong without locking the knees.
- Exhale completely.
- Engage you abs and lengthen you spine as you breath in to center.
Urdvha hastasana upward salute
- Stand with your feet together.
- Bring you legs alive and making them feel strong without locking your knees.
- Rotate your arms so your palms face forward.
- Engage the low belly.
- Draw the tailbone down.
- Then raise your arms over your head palms facing up.
- Keep the spine long.
- Bring your palms together in front if your heart.