Teaching Methodology Sequence 6 Flashcards
- Stand with feet together.
- Bring you life into your legs making them feel strong without locking you knees.
- Bring your Hands Behind your back and clasp your hands together palms facing up.
- Your thumbs should be resting on your tail bone.
- Engage your low belly.
- Stand tall and lengthen you spine.
- Exhale Roll your shoulders back and down.
- Remeber this postition
Virabhadrasana 1
(Warrior 1)
- Stand with hips inner hip distance apart.
- Place your hands on your hips.
- Exhale Bend your knees and step back with your right/left foot into a short lunge stance.
- Press the right heel into the ground.
- Point your toes forward at a 45o angle.
- Keep you left/right foot pointing forward.
- Bending the front knee directly over the front ankle.
- Next Exhale Rotate the hip points to the front of the room.
- Inhale bring palms together in front of the heart.
- Exhale engage the low belly
- Draw the tailbone down.
- Imagine a string lifting the crown of your head.
- (Exit)
- Next Exhale bring hands back to hips.
- Raise the right/left ankle and rotate foot coming back into a lunge.
- Exhale lean forward and bring your feet back together.
Devotional Warrior
- Stand with hips inner hip distance apart.
- Place your hands on your hips.
- Exhale Bend your knees and step back with your right/left foot into a short lunge stance.
- Press the right heel into the ground.
- Point your toes forward at a 45o angle.
- Keep you left/right foot pointing forward.
- Bending the front knee directly over the front ankle.
- Next Exhale Rotate the hip points to the front of the room.
- (Entrance from Vir 1)
- Inhale clasp the hands together behind the back, palms facing up.
- Roll your shoulder down and back
- Keep the elbows gently bent.
- Next Exhale Bend forward from the hip creases, allow your left/right thigh to catch the left/right side of your torso.
- Rotate the chin towards the chest.
- Inhale Lift your clasped hands off your low back, keeping the elbow bent.
- Exhale making the neck long and open
- (Exit)
- Next Exhale lower your arms back down.
- Inhale raise lift your torse grounding through both feet.
- Bring your hands to your hips
- Raise the right/left ankle and rotate the foot coming back into a lunge.
- Exhale lean forward and bring your feet back together.
(Pyramid Pose)
- Bring your block to the outside of both of your feet.
- Stand with hips inner hip distance apart.
- Place your hands on your hips.
- Exhale Bend your knees and step back with your right/left foot into a short lunge stance.
- Press the right heel into the ground.
- Point your toes forward at a 45o angle.
- Keep you left/right foot pointing forward.
- Bending the front knee directly over the front ankle.
- Next Exhale Rotate the hip points to the front of the room.
- Put that string at the top of your head
- Inhale Straighten the front leg without locking the knee.
- Exhale Keeping the string at the top of your head. Fold forward from the hip creases over the front leg.
- Draw the left/right hip back.
- Place your hands on the blocks.
- Keep you chest broad and press down through the legs.
- Inhale Bring your hands to your hips, bend your front knee and press into you legs and you bring your torse back up.
- (Exit)
- Rotate your back foot so the heel is up.
- Inhale bend forward and step your feet together.
- Come back to Tadasana.