Yin Poses Flashcards
Benefits to Anahatasana (Melting Heart)
- Good stretch for upper and middle back
- Will open shoulders
- Softens the heart
Contraindications for Anahatasana (Melting Heart)
Be carefull if the student has a bad neck this could strain it.
Modifications for Anahatasana (Melting Heart)
- If shoulder pain prevents the arms from going over head move them further apart.
- Flexible students can bring chin to the floor. Be careful could strain the neck.
- If knees are uncomfortable here, place a blanket.
- Toes can be tucked under.
- Chest can be rested on a bolster (Allow the body to relax.
- Can do this pose with just one arm out at a time.
Meridians affected in Anahatasana (Melting Heat)
- Along the spine, Urniary Bladder lines
- The arm medians, especially the heart and lung lines.
Joints Affected in Anahatasana (Melting Heart)
- Upper back (Which is actually the scapula, not thoracic spine)
- Mildly stresses lower spine
- Shoulder/ Humerus joint.
Counterposes for Anahatasana (Melting Heart)
Lying on stomach or child’s pose.
When should students move there arms further out in Anahatasana?
If student feels pinching in the back of the shoulders they be reaching a compression point..adducting the arms may release this.. If this does happen here it probably happens in Down Dog and Wheel too
Benefits to Ankle Stretch
- Opens and strengthens the ankles
- Strong stimulation of four meridians flowing through the feet and ankles
- Great counterpose for squatting or toe exercises.
Contraindications for Ankle Stretch
- Any sharp pain in Ankles, back off. Student can try a blanket or a towel under the feet.
- Knee issues may prevent the student from sitting on heels: place a rolled up towel between thighs and calves.
Modifications for Ankle Stretch
Leaning back on hands is first position, but keep the heart forward.
- After a few moments, the student can try to bring hands to floor.
- Try not to lean away from knees keep the heart open, arching the back.
- If very open you can hold the knees.
Merdians affected by Ankle Stretch
Stomach, Spleen, Liver, Gall Bladder all strongly stimulated.
Counterposes for Ankle Stretch
- Pushups/ Plank/ Chaturanga, Crocodile or an pose that straightens the legs and tucks the toes.
- Dangling or squatting is also nice.
Benefits to Baddha Konasana (Butterfly)
- Good for lower back
- straighter legs can stretch hamstrings, bent legs stretch he adductor muscles.
- Iyengar says this is good for kidney and prostate and helps those suffering from urinary problems.
- Iyengar says this is good for the groin area on men and woman. it can help regulate periods, ovaries functioning and make delivery easier.
Containdications for Baddha Konasana (Butterfly)
- It can aggravate sciatica. If student has this condition elevate the hips so that knees can fall below the hips.
- Okay for pregnant woman
- Avoid if neck has suffered wiplash or has a reverse curvature
Modifications to Baddha Konasana (Butterfly)
- Elevate the hips with bolster
- If neck is tiered rest it in the hands the elbows resting on knees or thighs.
- rest chest on bolster
- can do lying down.