Year 2 Upper Body Flashcards
Deltoid Origins?
Anterior, middle, posterior.
Anterior division: anterior border and superior surface of lateral third of clavicle
Middle Division: lateral margin and superior surface of Acromion
Posterior division: lower edge of the crest of the scapular spine
Deltoid Insertion
Fibres converge inferiority to a short tendon - attaching to the deltoid tubercle on the lateral surface of the mid shaft of the humerus.
Deltoid nerve supply
Axillary nerve C5*,C6
Deltoids actions:
Anterior: verticals abduction, medial rotation and flexion
Middle: vertical abduction
Posterior: vertical abduction, lateral rotation and extension
Supraspinatus origin:
Medial two thirds of supraspinous fossa + supraspinous fascia
Supraspinatus insertion:
Superior facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus + articulation capsule
Supraspinatus nerve supply:
Suprascapular nerve C5,C6
Supraspinatus action:
Abduction of shoulder with rotator cuff.
Stabilizer for the hemeral head within the glenohumeral fossa
Infraspinatus Origin:
Medial two thirds of the infraspinous fossa
Infraspinatus insertion:
Middle facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
Infraspinatus nerve supply
Suprascapular nerve C5,C6
Action of infraspinatus
Lateral rotation of the humerus and stabilization of the humerus within the glenohumeral fossa
Teres minor origin:
Upper two thirds of Lateral border/dorsal aspect of scapula
Teres minor insertion:
Inferior facet of greater tubercle of the humerus
Teres minor nerve
Axillary C5,C6
Teres minor Action:
Lateral rotation and weak adduction of the humerus and stabilization of the humerus within the glenohumeral fossa
Subscapularis origin
Medial two thirds of subscapular fossa (on the anterior scapula)
Subscapularis insertion:
Lesser tubercle of the humerus and the front of the articulate capsule
Subscapularis nerve supply:
Upper and lower subscapular nerves C5,C6
Subscapularis actions:
Medial rotation of the humerus and stabilization of the humerus within the glenohumeral fossa
Teres major origin:
Oval area on the dorsal surface of the inferior scapular angle
Teres major insertion:
Attached to the medial lip of the intertubercular groove (behind latissimus Dorsi tendon)
Teres major Nerve supply:
Lower subscapular nerve C5,C6,C7
Teres Major action:
Extension and medial rotation of the humerus
Upper Trapezius Origin:
Medial third of the superior Nichol line
External occipital protruberance
Ligamentum nuchae
Spices of the spinous processes and their supraspinous ligaments from C7-T12
Upper trapezius insertion:
Posterior border of the lateral third of clavicle
Middle to the medial acromial margin and superior lip of the crest of the scapular spine
upper trapezius nerve supply
Spinal pars of the accessory nerve
Sensory branches from the ventral rami C3-C4
Actions of Upper Trapezius
Ipsilateral lateral flexion of the head
Contralateral rotation of the head
Bilaterally extends the head
Bilaterally shrugs the shoulders
Pectoralis minor Origin:
Upper margins and outer surfaces of third - 5th ribs + fascia and from the fascia over the adjoining external intercostal muscles
Pectoralis minor insertion:
Medial border and the upper surface of the coracoid process of the scapula.
Pectoralis minor nerve supply
Medial and lateral pectoral nerves C5-T1
Pectoralis minor actions:
Anterior draws scapular forward around chest wall,
Rotates scapula with levator scapulae and rhomboids
Levator scapulae origin:
Transverse processes of the atlas and axis and posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third and fourth cervical vertebrae
Levator scapulae Insertion:
Attaches to medial scapular border between its superior angle and the triangular smooth surface at the medial end of the scapular spine
Levator scapula nerve supply:
Branches of third and fourth cervical spinal nerves and from the fifth cervical nerve via the dorsal scapular nerve
Levator scapulae actions:
Rotation of the scapula to depress the point of the shoulder
Ipsilateral rotation and lateral flexion of cervical spine.
Middle traps are considered:
Lower traps are considered:
All points T1-T5
All points T6-T12
Action of middle and lower traps?
Scapular retraction and stabilization
Origin of rhomboid major
Spines and supraspinous ligaments of the second and fifth thoracic vertebrae
Insertion of rhomboid major
Medial border of the scapula between the root of the spine and the inferior angle
Nerve supply of rhomboid major
Dorsal scapular nerve C4/5
Action of rhomboid major
Scapular retraction and stabilization
Origin of rhomboid minor
Runs from the lower ligamentum nuchae + spines of C7 and T1
Insertion of rhomboid minor
Triangular surface at the medial end of the spine of the scapula
Nerve supply / action of rhomboid minor
Same as rhomboid major:
Dorsal scapular nerve C4/5
Scapular retraction + stabilization
Origin of serratus posterior superior:
Arises by thin aponeurosis from lower part of nuchal ligament.
Spinous process of C7-T2/3 + supraspinous ligaments
Insertion of serratus posterior superior:
Ends in 4 digitations attached to the upper borders and external surfaces of the second/third/fourth and fifth ribs.
Nerve supply of serratus posterior superior:
Second to fifth intercostal nerves
Action of serratus posterior superior :
Elevation of the ribs, accessory muscle of respiration
Origin of serratus anterior:
Medial border of the scapula (ventral side)
- encloses/attaches to superior triangle surface of scapula and coastal surface of superior scapula
- costal surface of entire medial border of scapula
- triangular impression on costal surface of inferior angle of scapula + tip of inferior angle
Insertion of serratus anterior
Fleshy digitations attach anteriorly to the upper 8-10 ribs and the fasciae which covers the intervening intercostals
Nerve supply of serratus anterior:
Long thoracic nerve C5-C7
Action of serratus Anterior:
- Protracts scapula with pectoralis minor
- Upper fibres suspend scapula
- lower fibres pull inferior angle forward (assisting trapezius in upward rotation)
- holds scapula in position(prevents scap winging)
Origin of Latissimus Dorsi:
- spinous process of T7-T12
- thoracolumbar fascia
- SP + supraspinous ligaments of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae
- posterior portion of iliac crest +outer lip
- lower 3-4 ribs
Insertion of latissimus dorsi
Floor of the intertubercular groove of the humerus + expansion to deep fascia
Nerve supply of latissimus dorsi:
Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8
Actions of latissimus dorsi:
Adduction, extension and medial rotation of the humerus
-aids deep inspiration and forced expiration
Origin of scalenes
Anterior:anterior tubercles of TVP’s c3-c6
Medius: TVP’s of C2-C7 (anterior tubercle of C2 / posterior tubercle of C3-C7)
Posterior: posterior tubercles of TVP’s of C4-C6
Insertion of scalenes:
- Anterior: scalene tubercle on the inner border of the first rib+ ridge on upper surface of the rib anterior to the groove for the subclavian artery
- Medius: first rib Between tubercle of rib and groove for subclavian artery
- Posterior: outer surface of 2nd rib behind tubercle for serratus anterior
Nerve supply of Scalenes:
Anterior: ventral rami of 4-6th cervical spinal nerves
Medius: ventral rami of 3-8th cervical spinal nerves
Posterior: ventral rami of 6-8th cervical spinal nerves
Action of scalenes:
- Anterior: lateral flexion + elevation of 1st rib + accessory muscle of respiration
- Medius: lateral flexion+ elevation of the 1st rib + muscle of quiet/normal respiration
- Posterior: lateral flexion + elevation of 2nd rib + accessory muscle of respiration
Origin/insertion of External intercostals:
- 11 pairs extend from the tubercles of the ribs
- blend with posterior fibres of the superior costotransverse ligaments
- each muscle passes from lower border of rib to the upper border of the rib below
- form an aponeurotic layer which extends to the sternum
Nerve supply of external intercostals:
External intercostals are supplied by the adjacent intercostal nerve
Action of external intercostals:
- Stiffen chest wall
- prevent paradoxical motion during descent of the diaphragm in inspiration
Origin/insertion of internal Intercostals:
- 11 pairs begin anteriorly at sternum in the interspaces between cartilages of true ribs.
- extend back to posterior costal angle
- replaced by aponeurotic layer
- each muscle descends from the floor of a costal groove and adjacent costal cartilage and inserts into the upper bored of the rib below.
Nerve supply of internal intercostals:
Internal intercostals are supplied by the adjacent intercostal nerves
Action of internal intercostals:
-act with external intercostals; however more active during expiration
Origin of pectoralis Major:
- Medial half of clavicle
- half the breadth of the anterior surface of the sternum(to level of 6th costal cartilage)
- 1st-7th costal cartilages
- sternal end of 6th rib
- aponeurosis of external oblique
Insertion of the Pectoralis major:
-Lateral lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
Nerve supply of Pectoralis major:
Medial and lateral pectoral nerves C5-T1
Clavicular division = C5-C6
Sternal division = C6-T1
Action of Pectoralis Major:
-Adducts and medial rotates the humerus
Origin of SCM:
- The lateral surface of the mastoid process from its apex to its superior border
- by thin aponeurosis into the lateral half of the superior unchallenged line
Insertion of SCM:
Head 1: sternal head anterior surface of the manubrium and sterni
Head 2: Clavicular head medial third of the clavicle
Nerve supply of SCM:
Spinal part of the accessory nerve (CN 11)
-ventral rami of the 2nd,3rd,sometimes 4th cervical spinal nerves also enter the muscle
Action of SCM:
- ipsilateral lateral flexion
- rotation of head (together)
- raise head while supine
- elevate thorax when head is fixed