Year 13: Religion Flashcards
Name four key Protestant figures arrested by Mary
Latimer and Ridley
What did the Act of Repeal do which was passed by Mary’s parliament in 1553?
Undid all of the Edwardian Reformation
Revived mass and clerical celibacy
Implicitly reaffirmed the traditional doctrine of transubstantiation.
Restored the Church to what it had been in 1547
Why did Mary’s parliament of 1553 refuse to repeal the Act of Supremacy?
Dispute over the ownership of monastic land
When did Mary give up the title of Supreme Head of the Church?
Dec 1553
What did Mary’s Royal Injunctions of 1554 do?
They ordered Bishops to supress heresy, remove married clergy, restore Holy Days
What did the Second Act of Repeal 1553 do?
Undid all anti-Catholic legislation since 1529
Theoretically reverted the Church to what it had been before Henry’s reformation
Who did Mary name ArchBishop of Canterbury in 1555?
Cardinal Pole
What were the Twelve Decrees?
The Synod issued “Twelve Decrees” which listed rules on clerical discipline and against absenteeism, pluralism and simony.
Mary’s attempt to make a better Catholic Church
Why might Archbishop Pole be described as more of a hindrance to Mary than a help?
Cardinal Pole argued with Pope Paul IV
He was stripped of his legate title
Pole was recalled to Rome to answer charges of Heresy- Mary refused to let him go and rejected his replacement as legate
How Many Protestants did Mary burn?
What obstacles prevented Mary fully re-establishing Catholicism?
Mary’s reign was brief
There weren’t enough Bishops to drive the counter-reformation
She didn’t use propaganda enough to publicise her successes- such as when important Protestants recanted there sins like Sir John Cheke
Pope Paul (who took over after Pope Julius) was anti-Hapsburg and so quarrelled with Mary and Pole
How did Pole attempt to improve the education of the Catholic priests?
He gave them a newly edited Catholic New Testament and a new Book of Homilies
How many copies of Edward’s Protestant prayer book still existed during Mary’s reign?
Showing she never properly repressed Protestant publications
Why was the printing press such a problem for Mary?
There were only half as many printers in Mary’s reign because a number of Protestant printers had left. Pole’s waned all of the clergy to have all the publications they needed (New Testament, hymnals, Homilies) printers struggled to keep up with demand, and couldn’t produce propaganda materials too
Who wrote the Book of the Martyrs?
John Foxe
How many women did Mary burn for their sins?
Why might the Marian burnings have backfired?
Had the opposite effect to that which was intended. Made Protestant sympathies stronger and meant people welcomed the Protestant Elizabeth
What was Edward’s first religious reform/change?
The Protestant book of Homilies and Paraphrases
A collection of model sermons to be read by priests unable to preach by themselves
Why did Edward repeal Henry’s Act of Six Articles?
Henry’s Six Articles had reinstated the 7 sacraments and denied the doctrine of transubstantiation- this was more Catholic than Protestant in tone
Why was Edward unhappy with the First Book of Common Prayer?
Written by Cranmer but wasn’t Protestant enough for Edward. Some Historians have blamed Somerset for this as he deliberately diluted the Prayer book as he was busy in Scotland and couldn’t risk promoting uprisings.
How did the Second Book of Common Prayer differ from the first?
It was much more Protestant. Edward was far more involved in the creation of this one.
It clearly states “spiritual presence” of Christ (very Calvinist)
Traditional robes were not to be worn by priests
Alters were to be replaced by communion tables
Sign of the cross was abolished
How was the Chantries Act an attack on Catholicism?
The chantries were where money was collected for prayers for the dead- the Chantries Act was an attack on this belief
Explain the function of the following:
Elizabeth’s Act of Supremacy
Elizabeth’s Act of Uniformity
Act of Supremacy- established the monarch as the head of the Church
Act of Uniformity- established a Protestant form of worship based on Northumberland’s 1552 prayer book
Why was Elizabeth’s first act of supremacy rejected by Parliament?
It was rejected by the House of Lords who were more Catholic than Protestant.They compromised when the title was changed to Supreme Governor of the Church
How do we know that the Elizabethan Act of Uniformity was not popular in the House of Lords
It only passed by 21 votes to 18- narrow victory
What did the ELIZABETHAN Royal Injunctions do?
Filled in the gaps left by the settlement
Ordered the clergy to support the Supremacy and preach against papal authority
Condemned images and relics
Why did the Crucifix controversy happen?
Because Elizabeth attempted to restore Crucifixes into all chapels
Caused two of her most important Bishops to threaten to quit
Why did the Vestment issue happen?
Elizabeth insisted that Protestant priests wear Catholic looking vestments- possibly because this was her own personal preference
Elizabeth instructed her ArchBishop Parker to enforce clerical dress- he wrote the Advertisings
Who wrote the Advertisings enforcing clerical vestments?
Archbishop Parker
When was England excommunicated?
Why did Elizabeth make concessions to the Catholics between 1559-1563?
Because it was a way to ensure security domestically and reduce the opportunity for foreign Catholic countries to interfere
Why did Elizabeth become harsher on the Catholics from 1570 onwards?
The Pope excommunicated her
The arrival of Mary Queen of Scots into England
The Northern Rebellion
The arrival of Jesuit priests into England from 1574
What impact did the Papal Bull of 1570 have?
Excommunicated Elizabeth
Made “duel loyalty” impossible
Sent Elizabeth down a more Protestant road
What were the 39 articles?
Part of the Elizabethan Religious settlement
Based on Cranmer’s 42 Articles
Protestant in tone
Why did Elizabeth refuse to discuss religion after the 1559 settlement?
She does not want it to become a focus for her reign
She witnessed the strength of Catholic sympathies during the discussions in Parliament regarding the Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity
Why did Elizabeth attack Prophesying’s/ Evangelising?
She believed that open discussion about religion could undermine her settlement
She believes large groups of commoners meeting could lead to uprisings
She wants to enforce her religion through Bishops- if people are allowed to preach who do not enforce the Supremacy- this could threaten her power
What are Recusants?
Catholics who refuse to attend Elizabeth’s Church
Once the Jesuits arrive- she clamps down on them- banning than from moving further than 5 miles away from their homes to stop them moving to avoid fines and imprisonment
Which group took part in/lead Prophesyings?
The Presbyterians. They were meetings called to discuss the scriptures