Year Flashcards
Nikola Tesla
(1856- 7 JAN 1943
Year nikola tesla discovered rotating magnetic field in BUDAPEST HUNGARY
o Carl Friedrich Gauss
o Carl Friedrich Gauss
o Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Joseph Larmor
; proposed the Pauli Exclusion Principle (to determine the # of electron in k-shell
Pauli receives nobel prize
o George Eugene Uhnlenbeck
a Dutch-American theoretical physicist
-; introduced the concept of spinning electron
o Professor Isidor I. Rabi - Columbia University
-working in the Pupin Physics lab in NYC
-observed the quantum phenomenon dubbed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
-detecting & measuring single states of rotation of atoms & molecules & in determining the mechanical & magnetic moment of the nuclei
-influenced by Cornelius Jacobus Gorter
o Cornelius Jacobus Gorter
-Dutch Physicist
- he & his co-worker Broer, reported unsuccessful attempts to observe nuclear magnetic resonance in pure crystalline materials
-first to demonstrate the phenomenon of paramagnetic relaxation
Sept 1937;
o o Yevgeny Konstantinovich Zavoisky
-A Soviet Physicist
-discovered electron paramagnetic resonance in
o Yevgeny Konstantinovich Zavoisky
-A Soviet Physicist
-discovered electron paramagnetic resonance in 1944
o Edward Mills Purcell
o Peter Mansfield
-further developed the utilization of gradients in the magnetic field and 2 analysis of these signals for a more useful imaging technique
-gradient coils
-showed how signals can be mathematically analyzed which later gave way to EPI technique in ____
-“Tesla Unit” was proclaimed in the Rathaus of Munich, Germany by the International Electro-technical Commission-committee of action.
-all MRI machines are calibrated in “Tesla Units”
o Raymond Vahan Damadian
-in the early 70’s, demonstrated with his NMR device, that there are different T1 relaxation times between normal and abnormal tissues of the same type, as well as between different types of normal tissues