Year 12 Mock AS 2023 Biology Paper 2 Flashcards
Name two biological molecules that can be coded for by a gene
Do not include a polypeptide or protein in your answer
Any two from:
(Pre) mRNA;
suggest how the structure of rough endoplasmic reticulum is different from the structure of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and how this is related to their functions
- Less phospholipids in rough
More protein/glycoprotein in rough
Presence of ribosomes in rough; - (More protein/glycoprotein/ribosomes)
Rough – production/transport of proteins; - (More phospholipid)
Smooth –
production/modification/packaging/transport of
Complete the passage with the appropriate terms
ATP synthase comprises several polypeptide chains so it is said to have a ———– structure. It catalyses the synthesis of an ATP molecule by a ——— reaction this involves the ——– of a water molecule The ATP synthase in figure 1 is in a mitochondrion so would catalyse reactions during ——
(Aerobic) respiration;;
All correct = 2 marks,
2–3 correct = 1 mark,
0–1 correct = 0 marks
suggest how the shape of the ATP synthase allows it to have these two functions
Catalyses the synthesis of ATP
Allows the movement of H+ ions
(Catalyses the synthesis of ATP)
1. Active site complementary to ADP + Pi;
2. Enzyme-substrate complex forms;
(Allows the movement of H+ ions)
3. Channel (in membrane/protein/enzyme);
4. Allows facilitated diffusion of H+
(Channel) has tertiary structure specific for (only)
Galacto - oligosaccharides are polymers of galactose
Explain why GOS are described as polysaccharides
Any two from:
1. Galactose is a monosaccharide/monomer;
2. (Polysaccharide is a) carbohydrate polymer;
3. (Several) monosaccharides/monomers/galactose
joined by condensation reactions
(Several) monosaccharides/monomers/galactose
joined by glycosidic bonds;
Explain why amylase produced in the human digestive system does not digest GOS
- Active site (only) complementary to starch
Active site not complementary to GOS; - (Due to) tertiary structure;
Suggest how GOS can work as a prebiotic
- Provides galactose/sugar/monosaccharide;
- (Bacteria use the galactose/sugar) for
respiration; - (Bacteria use the galactose/sugar) for binary
Give the order of structures through which blood will pass through as it enters the heart and flows through the left ventricle
Aorta 6 Pulmonary vein 1
3 Left semi-lunar
valve 5
Vena cava
Left atrium 2 Left ventricle 4
Right atrium Right ventricle
Pulmonary artery Right semi-lunar
All correct 2 marks,
3–4 correct 1 mark,
0–2 correct 0 marks
Name the type of blood vessel that controls blood flow to muscles and explain how these blood vessels change blood flow during exercise
- Arteriole;
- (Circular/smooth) muscle relaxes;
- Vasodilation increases blood flow
Widens/dilates (lumen of) blood vessel so
increases blood flow;
suggest and explain the similarities and differences in the causes of genetic variation within these rice populations
1. (Both populations) have (variation due to)
independent segregation/assortment (of
2. (Both populations) have (variation due to)
random fertilisation (of gametes);
3. Both (populations) have (further) mutations;
4. Crossing over causes variation in non-mutant
Describe the hydrolysis reactions involved in the digestion of triglycerides
Do not write about the activity of lipase
- Breaking of ester bonds;
- By addition of water;
CEL is activated by bile salts binding to the enzyme
Describe two other functions of bile salts
- Emulsify lipids/fats;
- Increases surface area (of lipid/fat) for
(increased) lipase activity; - Form micelles;
Describe how natural selection may have led to all mammals in a population producing CEL
- Mutation results in (a new) allele;
- Those with the (new) allele able to digest
milk/triglycerides; - Individuals with CEL/allele more likely to (survive
and) reproduce; - Directional selection;
- Increase in frequency of (this) allele in
During anaphase, the spindle exerts 3 x 10^-11 N of force on each chromatid
This force generates 6 x 10^-19 W of power
Calculate the speed of movement in nm s-1 of one chromatid during anaphase using the following equation: P = F X V
where P = power in W
F = force in N
V = speed in m s-1
Correct answer of 20 = 2 marks;;
1 mark for evidence of 2 × 10–8 (m s–1)
State the range of possible concentrations of a protein solution that sinks in 75 g kg-1 copper sulphate and floats in 100g kg-1 copper sulphate solution
Minimum concentration
Maximum concentration
16.5 and 22;
Consequences of measurement error for Tom’s blood
Consequences of measurement error for Lucy’s blood
Any three from:
1. (Healthy donor) not allowed to donate;
2. Less blood collected
Fewer patients treated;
3. Cause Tom anxiety (about his health);
4. (Gives blood) when it may not be safe (for her) to
do so;
5. (Her blood) may not help patients;
6. Her (missed) low haemoglobin goes untreated
Outline the similarities in, and the differences between, the structures of DNA and RNA molecules
1. Polymers of nucleotides;
2. (Nucleotide has) pentose, (nitrogen-containing
organic) base and a phosphate (group);
3. Cytosine, guanine and adenine (as bases);
4. Have phosphodiester bonds;
5. Deoxyribose v ribose;
6. Thymine v uracil;
7. Long v short;
8. Double helix/stranded v single stranded