Year 12 Mock AS 2023 Biology Paper 1 Flashcards
Describe the primary structure of all proteins
- Number and order of amino acids in a polypeptide chain
- Joined by peptide bonds
Define Universal, Non - Overlapping and Degenerate
- Universal - Same codon always codes for same amino acid
- Non overlapping - each base only part of one triplet
- Degenerative - Triplet codes for more than one amino acid
Describe how the appearance of the area containing DNS in a TEM image of a eukaryotic cell would differ from that shown in figure one
- Nucleus
- Nucleolus
“Streptococcus” bacteria can infect the lungs when air is breathed in and cause lung disease
Describe the mechanism of breathing that causes ai2r to enter the lungs
1.Diaphram contracts and pulls down
- External intercostal muscles contract
- Volume of thoracic cavity increases and pressure decreases
Suggest how “Streptococcus” bacteria with a thicker capsule are more likely to survive and cause lung disease
- Less likely to bind to murein
- Reduced phagocytosis so more bacteria growth
On figure 2 draw a box around the R group of the fatty acid
- A box around everything but the COOH group
Explain why phospholipids can form a bilayer but triglycerides cannot
- Phospholipids are both hydrophilic and hydrophobic
- Triglycerides are only hydrophobic
- Phosphate group in phospholipids attracts water
Suggest why the fluidity of the membrane was higher after 4 months
- Fatty acid A is saturated
- At 4 months less fatty acid A more fatty acid B
- Increase in fluidity caused by increased unsaturated fatty acids
State one feature that shows in figure 5 were taken with an electron microscope and not an electron microscope
- Name an organelle
- Higher resolution as light has a longer wavelength
Describe the role of tRNA in translation
- Anticodon binds to codon
- Amino acid brought to ribosome
Block 1 3490, Block 2, 1200, Block 3, 3540, Block 4, 3530
1.Remove block 2 as anomaly
3490+3540+3530/3 = 3520
Suggest what the student should have done when she saw that, shape C, block 2 was damaged
- Repeated the experiment with an undamaged block
State 3 variables the student should have controlled in order to obtain valid results
1 Same concentration of solution
2. Temperature
3. Same PH of solution
Describe how gas exchange occurs in single celled organisms and explain why this method cannot be used in multicellular organisms
- Gas exchange occurs by simple diffusion
- In multicellular organisms the diffusion pathway is too long
- Small organisms have larger SA:V
Which components are found in human papilloma virus
- Capsid and attachment protein
Evaluate whether 10-12 year old boys should be given the HPV vaccine
- Boys could pass virus on to girls
- HPV vaccines could prevent some cancers in boys
- Side effects unknown as well as dosage
- Vaccination prevents HPV
Describe the differences in prokaryotic biodiversity found in soil with these two farming methods
In your answer give the definitions of species richness and index of diversity
- Species richness – number of species (in a
community/habitat/ecosystem/area); - Index of diversity – the relationship between the
number of species (in a community) and the
number of individuals in each species; - No SD overlap for species richness
so significant difference shown
No SD overlap for species richness so difference
not due to chance; - SD overlap so no significant difference in index
of diversity
SD overlap so any difference shown due to
In recent years our knowledge of prokaryotic biodiversity in the soil has increased
Suggest why
- DNA/genome sequencing now used;
- (Now) can analyse every/more prokaryote
species (in the community); - Rather than just recording
measurable/observable characteristics
give two precautions required when working with hydrochloric acid
- Eye protection;
- Gloves;
- Add water to spills (immediately);
- Do not pour away down sink;
Another student compares the mitotic index in the roots of two different species
Give 2 considerations within her method to ensure this comparison is valid
- Roots/plant of the same age;
- Same growing conditions (for all roots);
- Same distance from root tip;
- Same time in acid
Same temperature of acid; - Same concentration of acid;
- Same pressure of squash;
- Several fields of view (for each species);
- Same time of day;
Explain how sucrose transport proteins in leaf cells enable the production of a pressure gradient in the phloem
Pressure increase at source generated by:
1. Sucrose co-tranported into phloem
Sucrose actively transported into phloem;
2. Causes decrease in water potential (inside
3. Water enters by osmosis (into phloem);
Potato plants with fewer sucrose transport proteins produce fewer potatoes and accumulate sugars in leaves
Explain why
- Carbohydrates made by photosynthesis (in the
leaf); - Less sucrose transported into phloem at
Less sucrose transported to sink/potato/root
Less sugar stored as starch;
Give two reasons why glucose uptake by muscle cells increases significantly during exercise
Explain your answers
- Increased respiration;
- To provide more ATP for muscle contraction;
- (More glucose being used so) concentration
gradient for glucose
Increased numbers of glucose transporter
proteins in the membrane; - (Glucose enters by) facilitated diffusion
Which statement correctly describes the structure of both a sucrose transport protein and a glucose transport protein
The secondary structure is held by hydrogen
The tertiary structure allows the protein to be
positioned spanning the whole cell membrane.