Year 10 Religion Exam Revision Flashcards
Social Justice, The Catholic Social Teaching, Vocation
Why is justice a sign of love?
Justice is a basic human value and a feature of true human love, one that is concerned for the good of others.
Name two organisations in Australia that support people living in poverty?
- St Vincent De Paul Society
- Lifelink
Explain what is required for true peace?
In order for there to be peace:
- People must love and recognise the rights of others.
- People need to face and try to overcome selfishness.
- Respect the rights of everyone.
- Try best to correct injustices at personal, group and national levels.
What can the source of injustice between nations always be traced back to?
Injustices in the world are often traced back to:
- Powerful nations dominating others economically.
- Some nations dominating others militarily.
- People suffering from poverty and hunger.
- 20% of the world’s population consumes 86% of its goods.
What are the four harmonies?
Harmony with God
Harmony with Themselves
Harmony with Creation
Harmony with Each Other
What is the cause of all injustices?
Human sinfulness is the root cause of all injustices today.
What are two aspects of justification?
- People are forgiven and saved from sin through the grace of the holy spirit.
- People are sanctified and receive a share in the life of God.
How does God empower people to promote a just world?
The grace of the holy spirit empowers followers of jesus to help restore the harmony between human beings and the rest of creation.
What are the corporal works of mercy?
- Feeding the hungry
- Giving drink to the thirsty
- Sheltering the homeless
- Clothing the naked
What are the spiritual works of mercy?
- Admonish the sinner
- Instruct the ignorant
- Counsel the doubtful
- Comfort the sorrowful
Name and describe one Catholic organisation that fights for social justice in the world?
Caritas is part of an international confederation of 165 catholic relief, development and social service organisations.
For over 110 years they’ve worked towards the creation of a just world.
They help and work with the poorest regardless of ethnicity, religion or political beliefs.
Explain the term social justice using the words ‘community’ and fair’.
The term social justice refers to the fair and equal distribution of resources, opportunities and privileges in the community.
How did the first encyclical promote social justice?
Pope Leo XXIII’s encyclical Rerum Novarum made in 1891 reflected on the working conditions of humans.
Emphasises the dignity of every human being especially workers, and the important of individuals rights and social responsibilities.
What is meant by the common good?
The common good refers to the society’s ability to provide for the basic needs of a small group in society.
Examples of the common good:
- wheelchair access to buildings
- unemployment benefits
What is the meaning of vocation?
Vocation comes from the latin word ‘vocatio’ meaning a calling or summons’. It is the life-calling of everyone created in us by God.
Why is it important humans use their gifts for their vocation?
Each person is unique and has a god-given vocation to contribute to God’s creative activity today.
What are examples of different vocations?
- Marriage
- Priesthood
- Religious Conservated Life
List five areas of God’s creative activity?
- The world
- Human society
- Families
- Individuals
- Rest and creation
What is the meaning of the term ‘work’?
Work refers to any way that a human participates in God’s creative activity.
Identify some reasons people might fail to recognise their vocation?
Low Self-Esteem, Self Centredness, Focus on Status and Income, and Failure to Value Creation and Family
How might low self-esteem affect someone’s ability to recognise their vocation?
People can’t appreciate their personal gifts and so can’t see possibilities for their future.
God wants people to see total truth about themselves.
How might self-centredness affect someone’s ability to recognise their vocation?
People struggle to discover vocation as they cannot see the point in serving others if they do not gain anything out of it.
The gifts provides everyone are meant to be shared to assist the needs of others.
What is the process of spiritual discernment?
A process where a person in faith and love tries to discover God’s will in a situation.
What is the christian vocation?
Putting others first as Jesus did - mission as priest.
Speaking out on behalf of the poor and powerless - mission as prophet.
Exercise stewardship - mission as king
How do Christians offer their lives as spiritual sacrifices?
- Show love to other family members
- Care for anyone they meet with special needs: poor, rejected and discouraged.
- Be just and fair in how the treat others.