Religion Semester 2 - Exam Revision Flashcards
Conscience is…
At the core or heart of every person
What are the elements of any moral decision?
Action, intention, and circumstances (including relevant consequences)
What is Natural Law?
A law that is inscribed in the human heart and known by human reason
What are the four principles of conscience?
- You are obliged to form your own conscience.
- You are obliged to follow a sincere conscience
- Conscience does not decide right or wrong
- A good end does not justify immoral means.
What is an examination of conscience?
When whether or not we have behaved as God taught.
What are the four elements of New Law?
- Charity
- The Holy Spirit
- The Beatitudes
- The Two Great Commandments
Catholics express their beliefs in the…
Apostle’s Creed
Where did St Paul’s Conversion happen?
On the road to Damascus
After his conversion, how many journeys did St Paul go on?
The First Ecumenical Council was?
The Council of Nicea
What religious order did St Ignatius find?
The Jesuits
From a Catholic perspective, what are the two requirements for freedom and moral decision-making?
Sufficient knowledge of choices and sufficient freedom (the ability to choose).
What are the four marks of the Church?
One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
What is meant by Holy (4 Marks of the Church)?
- The Church is “holy” because it was founded by Jesus Christ and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
- Purpose is to bring people to holiness through the sacraments, teachings and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
What is meant by One (4 Marks of the Church)?
- The Church is “one” because it is united in faith, worship, and leadership under one God.
- Despite cultural and geographical diversity, the Church maintains a shared belief and communion in Christ.
Describe the Catholic core belief of the Trinity
Catholics believe in one single God, who made himself known to the world as three separate persons worshipped in unity: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit.
These three persons are all fully God, sharing the same divine nature, different in who they are and what they do.
God is a community of love, with each person playing a unique role in creating, redeeming, and supporting us in life.
What does the term ‘creed’ mean?
Creed is a carefully considered and thoughtful statement of faith that sums up the core teachings of a faith.
It emphasises the belief of religion to oppose the opinions of people who stand in opposition.
How is the ‘creed’ used in the Catholic Church?
The Nicene Creed - is recited during mass as a declaration of the key beliefs about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Church.
This shared profession of faith unites Catholics around the world in what they believe.
How did the Black Death Plague impact the Church in the Medieval period?
Many Christians had the misguided idea that the plague was caused by God’s anger at the sinfulness of humanity, and some started taking extreme measures to appease this anger.
This did not work and many people started to wonder why Church leaders and servants couldn’t do anything to appease his anger therefore losing faith in the Church.
Massive loss of life - priests were helping the sick.
The Church had to find ways to support people’s spiritual needs and deal with the social changes that followed.
How did Emperor Constantine influence the Early Church’s history?
Emperor Constantine played a key role in establishing Christianity within the Roman Empire.
He supported the Church financially and made the practice of Christianity legal with the Edict of Milan in 313 AD.
Known for his generosity, he helped those in need regardless of their faith.
To address disagreements in the Church, he organised councils, including the Council of Arles in 314 AD and the Council of Nicaea in 321 AD - helped unify Christians teachings
Constantine believed in recognizing God’s presence in everyone, regardless of their background.
What does the Holy Spirit provide it’s followers with?
The Holy Spirit provides followers with the guidance and empowerment to spread the word of God.
What was the role of the Holy Spirit during the growth of the Early Church?
The Holy Spirit also gave the apostles wisdom, courage, and healing abilities, helping them perform miracles and teach with confidence.
These gifts helped the apostles build and strengthen the early Church, bringing more people to believe in Jesus.
How did Pentecost contribute to the Growth of the Church?
At Pentecost, the Spirit gave them the ability to speak in many languages, so people from different places could understand them
Identify a key saint, you have studied, that lived in the 1500s.
St Ignatius of Loyola
When and where was Ignatius born?
St Ignatius was born on October 23rd, 1491, in Castile, Northern Spain in the city of Loyola
What was Ignatius’ family life like?
He was the youngest son of a noble and wealthy family, but sadly, lost his mother when he was young.
Ignatius was a courier in the service of a powerful relative in 1506, but he dreamt of becoming a great general.
When was Ignatius injured?
A few years later in 1517, he became a knight, before he was struck in the legs with a cannonball during the battle of Pamplona in 1521.
Describe Ignatius’ conversion story
During his recovery he read books about Jesus and the saints, which changed his focus from seeking fame/ glory to living a humble life of service.
After recovering, he gave up his military career travelled to Montserrat, sold his clothes, and confessed his sins for three days.
During this period, he experiences a vision of Mary, prompting him to lay down his sword and live as a beggar, dedicating himself to prayer and serving the poor.