Year 10: Medical Ethics Flashcards
Deliberate termination of pregnancy by removal and destruction of the foetus
Artificial Insemination by Donor
Artifical Insemination by Husband
An individual organism or cell produced asexually from one ancestor to which they are genetically identical
When someone is helped to die without pain before they would die naturally - voluntary, involuntary and passive euthanasia
Fertility Treatment
Medical treatment to help a woman become pregnant
Genetic Engineering
Changing or destorying parts of a human’s genetic make up in the embryonic (0 - 8 weeks of pregnancy) stages of life.
Hospice Movement
The movement to provide care for the terminally ill in settings that are as close as possible to everyday life, and that emphasises the need to reduce pain and suffering.
In-Vitro Fertilisation
Medical Ethics
Questions of morality that are raised by medical situations
Palliative Care
A means of reducingthe pain and other bad effects of a terminal illness
People who believe that abortions should be made eaily available for woman who want them
Those who believe abortion is wrong
Sanctity of Life
The belief that all life is given by God and therefore sacred
Deliberately ending one’s own life