Year 10 AP1 Flashcards
What is body composition?
Health-related component of fitness
The % of body weight which is fat, muscle, & bone
What is muscular strength?
Health-related component of fitness
The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance
What is muscular endurance?
Health-related component of fitness
The ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired
What is flexibility?
Health-related component of fitness
The range of movement at a joint
What is speed?
Skill-related component of fitness
The amount of time it takes to perform a particular action or cover a particular distance.
What is agility?
Skill-related component of fitness
The ability to change the position of the body quickly.
What is reaction time?
Skill-related component of fitness
The time it takes to react to a given stimulus
What is balance?
Skill-related component of fitness
The ability to retain the body’s centre of mass about the base support
What is coordination?
Skill-related component of fitness
The ability to use 2 or more body parts together
What is power?
Skill-related component of fitness
The ability to perform strength performances quickly
What are the 3 types of macro nutrients?
Carbohydrates, fats, & proteins
Why are carbohydrates important? What are the 2 different types of carbohydrates? Give examples.
Carbohydrates are stored in the muscles & liver as glycogen, which is quickly converted into glucose & used to provide energy needed to work & exercise.
Complex carbohydrates e.g. starch found in foods such as bananas & brown rice.
Simple carbohydrates e.g. sugars in their natural form found in fruits and veg
Why are fats important and what types of food include fats?
They provide energy with glycogen to help muscles work.
Bacon, cheese, oily fish, & nuts
Why are proteins important, when is the only time protein will be used as a source of energy, and what types of food include proteins?
Builds muscles and repairs damage.
During extended periods of exercise e.g. a marathon.
Meat, poultry, fish, etc.
What do the minerals calcium, iron, sodium, & potassium do?
Calcium - forms bones & teeth & strengthens bones
Iron - essential to blood, effects formation of red blood cells
Sodium - regulars body water & nerve functioning
Potassium - supports functioning of cells