Yang Style 16 Form Set Flashcards
Starting Position for Tai Chi Beginning, YS16
Feet together facing 12:00, sink and step out to left, feet > shoulder width apart.
Starting Position for Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane #1, YS16
Right foot weighted at 10:30, left foot posted. Right hand high, left hand low, holding ball.
Starting Position for Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane #2, YS16
Left foot weighted forward at 9:00, right foot back at 10:30. Left hand high in ward off position. Right hand at groin area.
Starting Position for White Crane Spread’s It’s Wings, YS16
Right foot weighted forward at 9:00, left foot back at 7:30. Righ hand high in Ward Off position. Left hand low at groin area.
Starting Position for Brush, Knee & Push #1, YS16
Left foot weighted back at 7:30, right foot forward on heel at 9:00. Left hand pressing down toward center, right hand protecting groin.
Starting Position for Brush, Knee & Push #2, YS16
Right foot weighted forward at 9:00, left foot back at 7:30. Right hand pressed down past knee. Left hand pushes towards center.
Starting Position for Deflect, Intercept & Punch, YS16
Left foot weighted forward at 9:00, right foot back at 10:30. Left hand pressed down past knee. Right hand in push towards center.
Starting Position for Similiar to Shutting and Push, YS16
Left foot weighted forward at 9:00, right foot back at 10:30. Right hand forward in punch. Left hand flexed and sitting on outer edge of right elbow.
Starting Position for Single Whip, YS16
Left foot weighted forward at 9:00. Right foot back at 10:30. Both hands in push.
Starting Position for High Pat the Horse, YS16
Left foot weighted forward at 9:00. Right foot back at 10:30. Right hand 90 degrees to right in hook. Left hand in strike to center left.
Starting Position for Strumming the Lute, YS16.
Right foot weighted back at 10:30, left foot in air at 90 degree angle, knee bent. Left hand forward with palm up and flat and arm over leg. Right hand low protecting groin.
Starting Position for Step Back and Repulse the Monkey #1, YS16
Right leg weighted back facing 10:30, left leg on heel facing 9:00. Left forearm angled upward with right hand close to the elbow of the left arm.
Starting Position for Step Back and Repulse the Monkey #2, YS16
Left foot weighted back at 7:30, right foot on heel at 9:00. Left hand in fist and held back near waist. Right hand in push position towards center.
Starting Position for Pretty Girl Works the Shuttle #1, YS16
Right foot weighted back at 10:30, left foot on heel at 9:00. Right hand in loose fist, held back towards waist. Left hand in push towards center.
Starting Position for Pretty Girl Works the Shuttle #2, YS16
Left foot weighted forward at 3:00, right at 4:30. Left hand high protecting head, palm out. Right hand flexed and arm out at chin level, slight bend in elbow.
Starting Position for Needle to the Sea Bottom, YS16
Right foot weighted forward at 3:00, left foot at 1:30. Right hand protecting head, palm out. Left hand flexed and arm pressed out at chin level with elbow slightly bent.
Starting Position for Fan Through the Back, YS16
Left foot weighted at 1:30, right foot on heel at 3:00. Right arm extending at 45 degree angle downwards toward floor, wrist flexed downward and sideward. Left hand touching middle of left forearm.
Starting Position for Wave Hands Like Clouds, YS16
Right foot weighted forward at 3:00, left foot at 1:30. Right hand forward at chest level in tiger hand. Left hand protecting left side of head, elbow down.
Starting Position for Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail #1, YS16
Left foot weighted at 12:00, right foot posted nearby. Left hand high holding ball, right hand low protecting groin area.
Starting Position for Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail #2, YS16
Right foot weighted forward at 3:00. Left foot on heel at 1:30. Both hands forward in Push.
Starting Position for Cross Hands, YS16
Left foot weighted at 9:00, right foot on heel at 10:30. Both hands forward in Push.
Starting Position for Tai Chi Ending, YS16
Both feet facing 12:00, shoulder width apart, knees bent. Arms are crossed, palms facing in at chin level.