Y9 Test One - Climate Change Flashcards
what is climate change?
any change in global temperatures and precipitation (rainfall) over time, due to natural or human activity
what is global warming?
the gradual warming of the Earth’s atmosphere
what is carbon dioxide?
CO2; a gas found in the Earth’s atmosphere; a greenhouse gas
what is the natural greenhouse effect?
Sun’s rays pass through atmosphere > greenhouse gases trap some of the heat > rest of heat is reflected into space
GHG stands for…
greenhouse gases
what are the main greenhouse gases?
water vapour; carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas)
what is the enhanced greenhouse effect?
Sun’s rays pass through atmosphere >
human activity causes more GHG to be produced > they trap more heat than is needed; damaging to the Earth (also known as global warming)
what are some key facts about methane?
20% stronger than carbon dioxide
comes from organisms that have died and changed into fossils; rises to the surface when fossil fuels are mined
what is the difference between climate change and global warming?
climate change: change in climate/precipitation over time (can become colder, more dry, etc)
global warming: steady rise in Earth’s temperatures
what is some evidence for climate change?
evidence from tree rings; changing weather; evidence from ice cores; sea level rise; warning signs from nature; evidence from artwork; glacial retreat; melting ice sheets; paintings
what are the greenhouse gases?
natural insulators for the Earth
what are some effects of global warming?
seas warm, undergoing thermal expansion
sea level rise
heavy flooding, especially in low-lying areas (such as the Maldives)
animals, plants, etc dying out due to environmental changes
ice-free summers
environmental refugees (fleeing due to homes being ruined because of climate change)
what is adaptation?
action to manage the risks of climate change impacts
what is mitigation?
action to reduce emissions that cause climate change
what are some solutions for adapting to climate change?
agriculture; water supply; reducing risk from sea level rise