Y9 Test 2 - World Development Flashcards
What is world development?
World development is the process of growth. It is the process by which a country achieves sustained progress over a long period of time in terms of economic, social, political and sustainable change.
What does ‘GNI per capita refer’ to?
GNI per capita is the dollar ($) value of a country’s final income in a year, divided by it’s population. ie; It is the total income of a country at the end of the year divided by the total amount of people who live there.
What is a LIC?
LIC stands for low income country/countries. These are countries with a GNI per capita of $1,045 or less. Examples of such countries are Chad and Ethiopia.
What is a MIC?
MICs are newly emerging countries, also known as middle income countries. These are countries with a GNI per capita of more than $1,045 but less than $12,695. Examples of such countries are Mexico and Iraq.
What is an HIC?
HIC stands for high income country. High income countries have a GNI per capita higher than $12,746, and examples of these countries are the United States of America and Germany.
What are the main ways used to measure development?
Birth rate Mortality/death rate Life expectancy Infant mortality rate GDP (gross domestic product) per capita Literacy rate
What is a birth rate?
Birth rate - the number of live births per 1,000 people per year. Countries with high birth rates tend to be less developed, as they may have less access to contraception and abortion.
What is the mortality/death rate?
Mortality/death rate - the number of deaths per 1,000 people per year. Countries with low death rates tend to be more developed, as they may have more access to healthcare and medicine. Other factors could be clean water, conflict in the country or neighbouring countries, famine and drought.
What is meant by life expectancy?
Life expectancy - the average number of years a person born in a particular country may be expected to live.
What is an infant mortality rate?
Infant mortality rate - the number of deaths of infants under 1 year old, per 1,000 live births.
What is the GDP (gross domestic product) per capita?
GDP per capita - the total value of goods and services produced/provided by a country in a year, per person. (The total value of goods and services divided by the total population.)
What is a literacy rate?
Literacy rate - the percentage of people (over the age of 15) who can read and write.
What is the HD (human development index)?
The human development index is a composite statistic of life expectancy, educational attainment and per capita income indicators (eg. GDP per capita.)
This is used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. The higher the factors, the higher the HDI, which is from 0 to 1. Norway has the highest, with an HDI of 0.957, and Niger is the lowest, with an HDI of 0.394.
What are some ways to overcome the development gap?
Targeted support Inequal taxes Education Commerce and industrialisation in LICs Debt relief Tourism Transnational corporations Providing aid, such as charities and NGOs
What is an NGO?
NGO - stands for a non-governmental organisation.