Y10 - People Flashcards
Who is the Recruitment and Selection in LARGER businesses carried out by?
Human Resources.ORPersonnel Department.
Who is the Recruitment and Selection in SMALLER businesses carried out by?
The owner.ORThe partners.
Give the 3 stages of Recruitment and Selection:
1) Needs Analysis.2) Advertising the Post.3) Selecting from the applicants.
Explain STAGE 1 “Needs Analysis”:
How a business decides how many workers and what kind of workers it will need to employ and when they will be needed.
What are the 2 important documents a business will produce at STAGE 1 “Needs Analysis”?
1) A JOB DESCRIPTION.2) A person specification.
Lists the duties and responsibilities the worker must perform. It may also include the job title, pay, hours of work and who the role reports to.
States the knowledge, qualifications, previous experiences, personal qualities and skills the worker will need to do the job.
What does a JOB DESCRIPTION allow candidiates to do?
Allows potential candidates to see if they are interested in the role. Only those interested will apply.
What does a PERSON SPECIFICATION allow candidates to do?What does it allow businesses to do?
Allows candidates to see if they have the right skills needed for the job so only those interested will apply. Also, business can easily compare candidates to their specification to see if they have the right skills.
Give 3 things that may be essential in a GOOD advert:
- Job description.- Contact Details.- Qualifications needed.
Give 3 things that may be important to include in a GOOD advert:
- Training opportunities.- Clear layout.- Easy to understand.
Where to advertise depends on….. (4)
1) The type of workers required.2) The number of workers required.3) The location of work.4) The amount of money the business has to spend on advertising.
1) Usually contains a jobs section for local people to look in.2) Not expensive.3) Posts for hairdressers are often advertised this way.
1) May have sections for adverising jobs.2) More expensive than local newspaper.3) Often used when recruiting skilled workers from all over the country.
1) Include specialist articles that interest particular types of workers.2) Often used for recruiting highly skilled specialists such as scientists/engineers etc.
1) Centres run by the government.2) Free to advertise in this.3) Often used for semi skilled or unskilled workers such as cleaners, shelf stackers etc.
1) Different websites organisations can use.2) Fairly cheap.3) Used widely for a lot of jobs.
1) When people in that job mention that workers are needed to people they know.2) Very commonly used.
1) Does all recruitment and selection work for the business (or may provide you with a shortlist).2) They are specialist organisations with knowledge of where to advertise and how to select.3) Can save time and money.4) A fee will be charged.
1) Keeps lists of people willing to do types of work.2) The firm pays the worker and the agency also gets a payment.3) Can be good if you need a temporary worker - fast way to find staff.4) Saves time in the recruitment process.5) Temporary work.
A job filled by someone already working in the organisation.
Give 4 advantages of INTERNAL RECRUITMENT:
1) Cheap to advetise.2) Quick.3) Person already knows the business.4) Business confident they know who they are employing.
The organisation fills a post with someone from outside of the organisation.
Give 4 times EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT is appropriate:
1) No one in the organisation can do the job.2) Someone with new ideas and new skills is needed.3) May cause unpleasentnness between workers - why weren’t they promotoed?4) High level role - needs the best candidate.
How can a business select the best candidates?(3 stages)
1) Find out info about candidates through CV’s.2) Draw up a shortlist because it is impossible to see everyone.3) Invite short listed applicants FINAL STAGE OF SELECTION, interviews and group activities.
How can a business ensure they have accurate info about candidates?(2)
- References of past employers.- Test their skills e.g. maths.
Give a description of LETTER OF APPLICATION:And an advantage of this:
Letter written by applicant explaining why they believe that they are suitable for the post.Shows a person’s communication skills.
Give a description of APPLICATION FORM:And an advantage of this:
Applicants provide information in answer to questions on a form.The firm can make sure that all applicants supply the same information so that it is easy to make comparisons.
Give a description of a CV:And an advantage of this:
The applicant writes down personal details such as qualifications, employment history etc.Shows the ability of the applicant to organise information. Easy to see essential details at a glance.
Give a description of REFERENCES:And an advantage of this:
Someone who knows the applicant well describes the personal qualities of the applicant, what work they did and how well they did it, attendance etc.References can be very honest but sometimes they may lie because they want the person to leave.
Give a description of INTERVIEWS:And an advantage of this:
The applicant meets people from the firm for a discussion. Ask questions and compare answers of candidates.The employer sees the candidates and can judge how well they present themselves and communicate.
Give a description of PHYSCHOMETRIC TESTS:And an advantage of this:
The applicant answers a series of questions, usually multiple choice, about themselves…The test produces a profile or description of the person’s personality. Matched against the person specification = useful.
Give a description of PRESENTATIONS:And an advantage of this:
The applicant is asked to give a talk to the employer on a given subject.This will show up personal qualities of the applicant - also an opportunity for applicant to put forward their ideas.
Give a description of TESTS:And an advantage of this:
The applicant may be given a pencil and paper test or a practical test.These tests give very specific information, such as how good the applicant is at maths, typing or using equipment.
Why would a firm carry out an interview?
To see what the candidate has to offer the company and asses the interviewee’s personality.
How could a candidate benefit from the interview?
Candidates get a change to find out more about the company and the role such as salary, facilities etc.
Give 2 advantages of Interviewing:
- Interviewers can directly compare candidates.- Can see how well the candidate acts under pressure.
Give 2 disadvantages of Interviewing:
- Candidates may be nervous and not act naturally or confidentally.- Just because someone performs well in the interview doesn’t mean they will be good at the job.
How should interviewees prepare for an interview? (2)
- Get a suitable outfit planned.- Organise time and transport.
Give 3 points about INTERVIEWRS:
- Need to find out who is the best for the job.- Cannot discriminate in any way.- Ask everyone the same sensible questions.
2 suitbale questions interviewers may ask:
- Why do you want this job?- Are you experienced in this sort of job?
2 suitable questions interviewees may ask:
- What training will be provided?- Who could i go to for help?
Training is about…..
Developing the knowledge, skills and abilities of workers.
Give 2 points about the IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING:
- To ensure safety.- People know what they are doing = more effective at their job.
When a line manager assesses the work of somebody he/she is responsible for. They may also discuss targers for the worker to achieve.Will happen at least once a year.
A scheme by which the quality of staff training and development in a business can be recognised by an outside organisation.
The idea that workers will need to keep learning different skills during their working lives.
The government has been encouraging people to learn throughout their lives: LIFELONG LEARNINGGive the 3 types of qulaifications:
- Academic (to develop general skills.)- General Vocational (applied academic levels for a particular area of work)- Vocational (show that a person is able to do specific tasks related to an occupation)
What is Motivation?
A person’s desire to carry out a task.It involves getting them to want to do the task.
Give the 3 types of Motivation Factors:
- Monetrary Methods.- Non Monetary Methods.- Leadership.
Give 3 possible consequences of poor motivation:
- The business gets a poor repuation and cannot recruit staff.- Poor quality of work.- High absenteerism rate.
The worker is paid a set sum of money for each hour worked.No reward for QUALITY of work done.
The time rate may be increased to persuade the worker to work extra hours above nornal working days.
The firm agrees to pay the worker an amount of money for the year = divided by 12 and paid monthly.NO REWARD.
Where the work can be measured, the worker is paid a sum of money for each item completed. However, workers may rush work = poor quality.
Paid to workers who sell goods or services. The amount to be paid is usually calculated as a percenyage of the value the worker sells. Sometimes sales people can be too pushy and put of customers.
Extra sum of money paid to individual when they reach a target. However, target may be unrealistic (too high or too low).
The worker may be paid a share of any profits that the firm makes. Some workers may not deserve this.
May give the the worker non money rewards such as company car, vouchers etc. Costs employers less than to give extra income.
Give MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS:Starting from the top.
Self - fufilement (top) (being given more responsibility)Self - esteem (to have status, worker of the month award)Social needs (to be loved, working in a close team)Safety ( to feel safe)Phiological needs. (high enough wage to eat)
- FEAR using threats etc.
- JOB ROTATIONworkers move from diff jobs every day.
JOB ENLARGEMENTgive workers diff/additional tasks to do.
JOB ENRICHMENT give workers more responsibility
LEADERSHIP STYLES.What is Autocratic?
When the leader makes all the decisions and expects the workers beneath to carry out all their orders, Little or no discussion with the workers.
Give 2 advantages of Autocratic Leadership:
- Works are fearful which will encourage them to work hard.- Quick decisions as decision is with one person.
Give 2 disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership:
- Employees will be scared - no motiviation and may quit.- Lack of creativity in ideas so workers may get bored and lose motivation to work.
LEADERSHIP STYLES.What is Democratic?
When the workers are allowed to discuss plans with the leader and to influence decisions about what to do and how to do it.
Give 2 advantages of DEMOCRATIC:
- Team members are encouraged to work with eachother to do a good job.- Promotes a creative environment.
Give 2 disadvantages of DEMOCRATIC:
- Time consuming.- People could get distracted when working with teams.
LEADERSHIP STYLES.What is Laissez Faire?
means “leave to do”. The leader will decide the main objectives of the organisation but the workers will be given the responsibility for deciding how they are to achieve the objective.
2 advantages of Laissez Faire Leadership:
- highly motivational as people have control over their working life.- staff may enjoy responsibility and won’t quit.
2 disadvantages of Laissez Faire Leadership:
-leaders may blame members if goals are not met.- lack of role awareness with members.
Summarise the EMPLOYMENT ACT:
All employees must be given a contract. Employers must follow set procedures when disciplining and dismissing employees.
Summarise the MINIMUM WAGE ACT:
Employees must not be paid less than a certain amount per hour - this amount is set by the government and may change every year.
Summarise the EQUALITY ACT:
Employers must not discriminate against employees. This applies when recruiting, promoting and paying the staff.
Employees must receive appropriate training and safety equipment to allow them to work safely and prevent accidents.
It limits the average working week to 48 hours - but employees can opt out and work longer. Workers must be given breaks and one day off each week. There are also special regulations for young workers.
Give 3 things that could happen if a business doesn’t follow laws:
1) Fines.2) Bad reputation to the employees.3) High absenteerism.
What’s an organisation chart?
A diagram which shows how the workers are organised in a business and who is in charge of whom.
Define Hierarchy:
When a business is organised from the top down, the people higher up the hierarchy have more power than the ones below them.
Define Chain of Command:
The link in the levels of authority from those at the top with the most authority to those at the bottom with the least.
Define Line of Communication:
The route that a message travels between the sender and the person that it is for.
Define Line Manager:
This is a person who is directly responsible for other workers in the organisation.
Define Subordinates:
The workers that a line manager is responsible for.
Define Span of Control:
The number of subordinates who report directly to the line manager.
Give 3 benefits of organisation charts in a business:
1) Shows who is responsible for which functions and tasks.2) Shows which work is delegated to specialists.3) Shows who a worker is responsible to and whom they must take orders from.
What is a wide span of control?
When there are few managers (maybe only one) with lots of subordinates (assistants/people working below).
Give 3 advantages of a wide span of control:
1) Lower cost because there are less managers.2) More opportunity for delegation.3) Subordinates feel more valued as they may be given more responsibility.
Give 2 disadvantages of a wide span of control:
1) Supervision more difficult which may lead to inefficiency as some workers are not monitored.2) Stress levels are higher as managers have more people to control.
What is delayering?
When you remove a layer of the organisation structures (managerial layer). You can’t remove bottom or top layer of hierarchy and delayering makes people redundant.
Give 2 advantages of delayering:
1) Reduces cost of wages.2) Shorter chain of commandment = information sent effectively.
Give 2 disadvantages of delayering:
1) Wider span of control = look after more people and are overworked.2) Training would be needed for the level below.
What is a narrow span of control?
There are more managers with Subordinates under them.
Give 2 advantages of a narrow span of control:
1) Quicker communication with a smaller team of Subordinates.2) There is closer monitoring of Subordinates so it’s easier to support them.
Give 2 disadvantages of a narrow span of control:
1) Subordinates may not like close supervision.2) More costly as more managers are required.
What effect does a chain of command have on communication?
The shorter the chain of command the faster and more effective communication would be; the message would be correct.
What is a tall structure like?
One with many levels of hierarchy.
Give 2 advantages of a tall structure organisation:
1) Clear roles.2) There is a narrow span of control.
Give a disadvantage of a tall structural organisation:
1) There is a long chain of command.
What is a flat structure like?
There are few or no levels of middle management between staff and executives.
Give 3 advantages of flat structures:
1) Short chain of command.2) Lower wage bill.3) More delegation to lower levels.
Give 2 disadvantages of flat structural organisations:
1) Lots of responsibility for managers.2) Wide spans of control so it’s more difficult for seniors to manage staff.
What is communication?
The transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver.
How important is good communication in a business?
It’s essential for the success of any business.
What’s internal communication?
People within the communicating with each-other.
What’s external communication?
People outside the business communication with the business.
Give an example of good communication in marketing:
Effective advertising should inform and persuade customers to buy the products.
Give an example of good communication in finance:
Clearly explaining a business plan to a bank manager to persuade them to give a loan.
Give an example of good communication for people in the business:
Developing a good understanding of a job so that a person is training properly.
Give an example of good communication in Government and Trade:
Businesses need to make applicant for grants of money from government.
Give an example of good communication in Production:
Workers discuss quality so that wastage of materials is avoided.
What is one way communication?
When a sender sends a message to the receiver. Nothing else happens.
What is two way communication?
Sender sends an message and the receiver sends feedback which makes it clear that the message has been understood and if not; they can ask questions
Vertical communication is…
Between people on different layers of the organisation hierarchy. It can be upward or downward.
Horizontal communication…
Takes place when two people at the same level within the organisation structure communicate with each other.
Formal communication…(Give examples)
Takes place when the official means of communication are used within an organisation for example - letters, fax etc.
Informal communication…(Example…)
Can be just as important as formal communication. Example - conversation at a social event.
Give 3 methods of communication:
1) Verbal.2) Written.3) Visual/Images.
Give 2 advantages of Verbal Communication:
1) The person can check that the message has been understood by asking for feedback.2) The person can emphasise points by their tone of voice or body language.
Give 3 disadvantages to Verbal Communication:
1) There is no permanent record of the message unless it is recorded.2) If the receiver does not like what they hear, they may answer back and cause trouble.3) If there are lots of people listening, it may not be clear that they all have heard and understood.
Give 4 advantages to Written Communication:
1) There is a record of the message.2) Can avoid confrontation.3) Can be sent to more than one person.4) Receiver can re-read to understand.
Give 2 disadvantages to Written Communication:
1) The success of the message depends on how clearly it is written.2) Not possible to check immediately that the receiver has understood the message properly.
Give 2 advantages to Visual/Imagery communication:
1) People often like looking at images.2) Images can have more impact “A picture paints a thousand words.”
Give a disadvantage of Visual/Imagery Communication:
1) May not be possible to check immediately that the receiver has understood the message properly.
Explain how Timing could be a barrier to communication:
The message maybe sent at the wrong time for example a person who is in a rush to leave work for the day may not listen carefully to what his manager has to say.
Explain how Clarity could be a barrier to communication:
The sender may not make the message clear to the receiver. This may be because the sender uses language that the receiver does not understand, or assumes that the receiver knows more than he or she actually does.
Explain how the attitudes of the sender or the receiver could be a barrier to communication:
Descender me talk down to the receiver so he or she does not like what they hear. The receiver may not trust and respect the sender and so does not take notice of what is said.
Explain how the wrong method of communication being used could be a barrier to communication:
An email given on urgent will not work if the receiver only checks for new emails at the beginning of each week.
Explain how feedback that isn’t received or isn’t appropriate could be a barrier to communication:
The sender may not check with the receiver that they have understood the message. The sender might ask the receiver of the message to give feedback in writing. This would not be suitable if people do not want to put their feelings or ideas down on paper.
Explain how a problem with the means of communication could be a barrier to communication:
Emails may not be received if there is a problem with the receiver’s computer.
When choosing the most appropriate method of communication, what are the four things to consider?
1) Who the business is communicating with.2) The purpose of communication.3) Which methods are available and affordable.4) How urgent communication is.
What is Full Time work?
When employees work approximately 37 hours a week / 5 days a week.
What is Part Time work?
When employees work a set number of hours, less than full time.
What are Flexible Hours?
Employees work their hours when they want to - usually agreed between employer and employee.
What is Permanent work?
The contract between employer and employee means that the employee will work for them forever and there is no end date.
What is Temporary work?
The contract between employer and employee has an end date -e.g. you may have a six month contract.
What is Seasonal work?
When a business has periods of higher demand and employ people just for that period.
What is work from home?
Employees carry out some or all of their work at home by using ICT.
Why would work from home be used? (3)
- government law e.g. maternity leave.
- technology improvements.
- social changes - work life balance.
Advantages to the employer of Work from home: (5)
- more flexible
- competitive advantage
- environmental
- less absenteerism
- more motivation to workers
Disadvantage to work from home to the employer: (4)
- training
- time management
- people management
- communication takes longer
Advantage to the employee of work from home: (3)
- work life balance
- better experienced
- motivated
Disadvantages to work from home for the employee: (2)
- unsociable hours
- less contact with people
What is a trade union?
An organisation that represents the interests of workers.
What is a single union agreement?
Where workers and the employer yers agree that all workers will be represented by only the union.
Benefits to employees of trade union memberships:
Strength in numbers - will have more influence on employers.
Benefits to businesses of workers being in a union: (2)
- collective bargaining ‘Voice of the people’
- official method of communication = easy to negotiate.
Give 2 examples of industrial action:
- overtime ban , workers refuse to work over time.
- strikes , refuse to go to work.
- work to rule: only do what the job description says.
Negatives of industrial action: (2)
To employees
- Employees will have to make up for lack of work = pressure.
- loss of wages.
Negatives of industrial action: (2)
For businesses:
- lack of work - May lose customers and profits.
- customers may go to competition.
What is ACAS? What does it stand for?
Advisory Concilation and Arbitration Service.
What do the ACAS do?
They’re an organisation which helps to settle industrial relation disputes between workers and relations - they are not biased.