Y10 Key Terms Flashcards
A moral action is typically viewed as good if it has a positive outcome for others.
Moral example
For example , when we give to charity, money can be used to improve the circumstances of others
An action may be viewed as immoral if it produces a negative outcome for others such as stealing someone else’s money. Additionally, actions may be viewed as immoral if they go against the values of a person’s community
Immoral example
For example, if a Christian were to perform an action that is contrary to their Church community or sacred text
Some actions may not be considered as either moral or immoral. It could be considered a choice that a person is free to make without any moral significance.
Amoral example
For example, whether you purchase a galaxy chocolate bar over dairy milk as your chocolate treat
Ethical Worldview - morality designed by God
Religious believers do not believe that moral decisions are decided because of the consequences of the action, but because the action itself is right or wrong as decided by God. A key term that religious believers use to describe this is the word ‘absolutism’. This means that there is a fixed standard of right and wrong that people across the world should follow.
Ethical worldview - morality designed by God examples
For example, it is always wrong to murder. Of course, by consequence, a religious person could argue – as another person’s life is taken, this is why God commanded that people should not murder
Absolute meaning
Intact Mandatory Complete Finished Necessary
An absolute rule
An absolute rule must be followed, no exceptions
Factors of a persons viewpoint
Race, education, family, religion or none, community, wealth and culture
What book in the Bible states ‘only God has the right to give and take life’
Another term for abortion
What are ethics
The study of what is right and wrong within society
What is used to describe human life as being holy, sacred, not to be tampered with and perfect as it is
What is relativism
A term to describe the rules/law which may only apply to certain people/groups
What is abortion
The termination of the pregnancy in the womb, prematurely
What is forgiveness
Offering to ‘wipe the slate clean’ when someone has wronged you, hurt you or offended you
What is a term used to describe human life by Christians
What is an absolute rule
The belief that a rule or law is rigid/inflexible