Y10 End Of Years Flashcards
Eukaryotic cells
Animal cell / plant cell
Cell membrane / cytoplasm / genetic material (nucleus)
Prokaryotic cells
Bacteria - single felled organisms
Cell membrane / cytoplasm/ no nucleus
Contains genetic material which controls cells activities
Cell membrane
Controls movement of substances
Mosh chemical reactions take place here / jelly like
Where aerobic respiration takes place - releases energy
Protein synthesis
Absorbs light for photosynthesis (plant cell only)
Space in cytoplasm filled with sap - keeps cell rigid (plant cell only)
Cell wall
Provides structural support + protection (plant cell only)
Overall net movement of particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration, down a concentration gradient, the greater the concentration difference the faster diffusion occurs, the higher the temperature means particles move faster from high to low concentration
Diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration through a partially permeable membrane, only in water molecules
Hypotonic solution
Concentration of solutes lower outside than inside cell
H2O moves inside = swelling / bursting
Isotonic solution
Concentration of solutes inside = outside cell
Concentration of solutes higher outside than inside cell
Shrivelled cell, H2O moves out of cell
Active transport
Allows cells to move substances from an area of low concentration to high concentration against the concentration gradient (reabsorbed on in ultrafiltration)
Digestive system
Mouth = mechanical and chemical digestion, where the food enters + Sal airy glands produce amylase (starch to glucose conversion)
Oesophagus = tube which moves food from mouth to stomach
Stomach = acidic PH to kill bacteria + pepsin
Pancreas = Digestive enzymes
Liver = production of bile - aids digestion - alkali PH = optimum for bile
Gall bladder = bile storage + releases into duodenum
Duodenum = food + digestive enzymes mix
Ileum = food absorbed into blood
Large intestine = water reabsorption
Broken down into sugars / catalysed by amylase
Proteases - pepsin breaks proteins into amino acids (stomach)
Lipids - fatty acids + glycerol via lipase (pancreas + small intestine)
Smaller lumen + thicker wall to withstand / maintain bp
Thinner / valves - to prevent back flow / large lumens = less friction
One later of cells - short diffusion pathway at site of exchange
White blood cells
Immune response
Phagocytosis- digests foreign cells
Anti bodies / anti-toxins
Red blood cells
Carry oxygen / CO2
no nucleus / concave shape
Blood clotting
Fibrin - makes scabs
Starch test
blue/black if present
Yellow / red if not present
Sugars test
Benedicts solution
Bile (none)
Green / yellow (moderate)
Red (lots)
Biuret + water bath
Purple (present)
Blue (not present)
Cloudy white layer if present
Coronary heart disease
Healthy artery has wider lumen than CHD one
CHD has a larger fatty deposit
Risk factors CHD
Bad diet (saturated fatsly Gender = male more likely Age = older more likely
Balloon + stent inserted through blood vessel and taken to narrowed / blocked artery, balloon is inflated stent locks in place + pushed fatty deposits to the sides, balloon taken out.
Heart bypass
Replacing affected coronary artery with veins from other part of body (complex + pricey)
A state of mental + physical well being
= exercise / low sodium + saturated fats diet
Increases BP / type 2 diabetes / cardiovascular diseases
Carbon monoxide = oxygen shortages
Endothermic reaction
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
Aerobic respiration
Exothermic reaction
Glucose + o2 —> carbon dioxide + water (energy release)
C6H12O6 + 6O2 —> CO2 + H2O
Anaerobic respiration
Not as efficient = when there’s an O2 shortage = lactic acidosis build up leads to cramps / fatigue
Glucose —> Lactic acid (energy)
Oxygen debt
The amount of extra oxygen needed to oxidise the amount of lactic acid produces during anaerobic respiration
Total sum of body’s reactions
Muscle / gland that brings a response
Cells that detect a change / stimulus
Change in enviroment
Co-ordination centre
Brain / spinal cord - an area which receives/processes info + co-ordinates a response
Long and thin to transmit electrical impulses efficiently
Mylin sheath
Insulates cell so impulses travel faster
Neurone endings
Allows impulses to be sent to neutrons / effectors
Receives impulses from other neurones/ receptors
Reflex arc
Stimulus/ receptor / sensory / co-ordination centre / motor / effector / response / synapse description
Gap between 2 neurones, neurotransmitters diffuse along that gap allowing next neurone to transmit an impulse
Cerebral cortex
Consciousness / language / intelligence / memory
Regulation of body temp
Pituitary Gland
Produces hormones / master gland
Balance / control + coordination of muscles
Unconscious actions - breathing
MRI Scan
Strong magnetic fields to see what parts of teh brain are being used / damaged
Electrical stimulation
Remove part of skull to see what parts of brain are stimulated when electrical impulses are sent out - done when conscious
Plant cloning - stimulate cell growth / division
Weed killer - spray auxins, too much causes weeds to go into uncontrollable growth
Fruit ripening
Germination - ends seed dormancy = brewing industry
Promotes flowering
Increase fruit size
Transparent part of the eye
Coloured part / controls pupil size
Changes direction of light rays
Ciliary muscle
Changes lens shapes (contraction / relaxation)
Suspensions muscles
Attach lens to ciliary muscle
White outer layer
What happens to eye in bright light
Circular muscles contract, radial relax, pupil gets smaller, less light protects retina
What happens to eye in dim light
Circular muscles relax, radial muscles contract, pupil widens, more light enters = better vision
What happens to eye while looking at a distant object
Ciliary muscles relax, diameter increases, increases pull on suspensory, makes lens thinner, less refraction
What happens to eye while looking at a near object
Ciliary muscles contract, diameter increases, pull on suspensory muscles decrease, lens is thicker, more refraction
Short sightedness, close objects = clear / distant objects = blurry
Lens too curved / too thick or long eyeball
Light rays meet before the retina
Concave lens to correct this
Longsightedness, close objects blurry, distant objects clear
Short eyeball or lens too thin
Light rays don’t meet before the retina, they’d meet after the retina
Convex lens to correct this