xray intro Flashcards
removal of photons from the primary beam
compton scatter
incident xray photon scattered by a loosely bound/free electron because binding energy < incoming xray energy
inelastic, energy of scattered xray much smaller
photons are scattered out of the beam with reduced energy
recoil electrons are emitted in a forward direction with kinetic energies up to Tmax. These ionise the material until energy is lost.
depends on density of material
processes that can remove photons from initial beam
compton scatter
coherent/small angle scattering
pair production
coherent scatter
elastic scattering from bound atomic electrons
confined to small angles
photoelectric effect
photons incident on bound electrons (usually K shell) can be totally absorbed as the atom as a whole takes up recoil momentum
the excited electron is then emitted with energy T=hv-B where B is the binding energy of the electron
dominates at low energies
when an ionised atom de-excites
electron ejected from atom followed by emission of …
characteristic xray:
electron drops down from higher shell
energy of xray depends on relative shell energies (difference in jump)
auger electron:
energy given to outer shell electron - emitted
lower atomic number materials
atomic number effect on fluorescent yield
higher Z, higher yield
absorption edges
discontinuities caused by absorption edges: binding energies of specific electron shells
low X materials, low K shell BE
as the photon energy increases, photoelectric absorption decreases
incident xray energy < binding energy of K shell electron, xray can only kick out L and M
when x-ray energy > K shell BE, attenuation coefficient for photoelectric absorption jumps up (xrays can kick out K shell electrons now)
pair production
at high energies, an interaction with the electrostatic field of the nucleus produces a positron and electron pair
pair moves through material causing ionisation
positron annihilates giving 2 0.511MeV gamma rays
how xrays are produced
bombard metal w electrons
when a charged particle accelerates, electromagnetic radiation is emitted
more abrupt, higher E
xrays produced when electrons interact with atoms
interactions are 99% heat, 1% xrays
bremsstrahlung radiation
electrons slow down and emit radiation as a consequence
when a charged particle is accelerated it emits radiation
peak at low energies
thin target theory
thin enough every electron undergoes only one radiative interaction when passing through
intensity/energy graph = flat distribution, uniform, same probability for all energies
thick target theory
number of thin tarhets superimposed, so repeat process but lower energy every time
triangular shaped spectrum
intensity/energy graph
self-absorption in target material
xrays generated inside target material
some reabsorbed
lower energy, higher likelihood
characteristic radiation
electrons ionise/excite atom
bombarding electron ionises the target atom
an electron from a higher shell drops down to fill the vacancy
photon energy given by difference in energy levels
69kv for tungsten
20kv for molybdenum
x ray tube parts
rotating portion - heat dissipation over larger area (doesnt melt metal), short exposure times
glass envelope for vacuum
anode (W or Mo) emits xrays
why anode is inclined
small focal spot to minimise unsharpness in image
large focal spot to handle heat from collisions
inclined so larger surface of electrons whilst reducing focal spot
heel effect
xrays generate in the target exit the target along different path lengths
longer the path, more attenuation
lower energy xrays are attenuated easier than higher
so epctrum is less intense and harder where the path is longer, more intense and softer where the path is shorter
stronger heel effect if angle reduced as higher diff in path length
adv: smaller focal spot, better for high resolution imaging
angular distribution of xrays
polar plot
low energies, xrays emitted in all directions
high, more forward distributed
effect of kv and mA on xray spectrum
increasing kV
intensity increases
mean energy increases
relative weight of K lines change
increasing mA:
spectral shape doesnt change, but entire spectrum increases/decreases proportionally with mA value
beam filtration
used to increase mean energy of the spectrum
to reduce dose to patient
beam quality:
high energy - hard
lower energy - soft
sheet of metal in front of exit window
tin, copper, Mo