XLS Other Limitations Flashcards
45 Minute IFR Fuel Reserve
1037 lbs
Min Fuel for Release
1935 lbs
XLS Hot Spare Fuel
3800 lbs
Emergency Fuel
900 lbs
Min Runway Length
3800 ft
Min Runway Width
50 ft
75 ft if Wet runway and TR credit used
Runway Length, Ops Review Required
<4500 ft Dry
<5000 ft Wet/Contaminated
<5000 ft DAAP
IF runway less than 3,999 ft
NO T/O and Land
- above 3,000 ft msl
- Contaminated or Wet
- Tailwind
No T/O - with Anti Ice ON
No Land - Runway < 75ft wide and Xwind > 10 kts
No Circle to Land - Ceiling < 1000 ft and Vis < 3 sm
Ocean Reef Limitations
Day Only Max Xwind - 15 kts Dry/ 10 kts Wet No Tailwind No Powered turns on Ramp or Fueling Area Pull Straight in to be towed LT/HM PICs may not be PIC, SIC OK IF SIC is LT, PIC must perform T/O and Land
RVSM Required Equipment
1 Autopilot
1 ATC Alt reporting transponder
Static Port Heaters
Any deferral that effects these systems may impact RVSM
Max Zero Fuel Weight
15,100 lbs
Max Altitude T/O and Land
14,000 ft
Max Operating Speed/Vmo
305 kts
260 kts below 8,000 ft
Max Operating Mach/Mmo
.75 M
Max Tire Ground Speed
165 kts
Min Control Speed - Air / Vmca
Flaps 7&15 - 90 kts
Flaps 35 - 92 kts
Min Control Speed - Landing - Vmcl
Flaps 35 - 92 kts
Min Control Speed - Ground - Vmcg
Flaps 7&15 - 81 kts
Max Differential Pressure
9.7 psi
Normal Differential Pressure
0-9.6 psi
Pressure Relief Valve Opening
9.5 psi
Max Number of Passengers
7 Adults + 3 Lap Children
Lap Children Seats
3,4 and 10
Max Altitude Crew O2 Mask approval
40,000 ft Cabin Altitude
Max Altitude Passenger O2 Mask Sustained Operation
25,000 ft Cabin Altitude
Other APU Starting Limits
No starting during refueling
No starting after Duel Gen Failure
After APU shutdown, no starting until 30 seconds after APU RPM is Zero.
Other APU Operating Limitations
No APU operating when Aircraft unattended
No APU Operating during deice procedures
No APU Operating if APU Test fail
Autopilot Operating Limitations
1 pilot, seated and belted during all AP ops
No AP or YD for T/O and Land
Do Not Manually override AP during normal Ops
No AP use if
- Any comparison monitor active
- Either PFD is in ATT reversion
Battery Limits for Engine Start
3 Attempts/Hour
3 Gen Cross-starts = 1 Batt start
APU Gen Start = 1/3 of Batt start
If GPU used to start, No Batt cycle counted
Battery Limits for APU Start
9 Attempts/Hour
Max GPU Load
1000 Amps
Max ENG GEN Load on Ground
250 Amps up to 4 Minutes
Max ENG GEN Load inflight
300 Amps
Max APU Gen load on Ground
200 Amps
Max APU Gen load inflight
230 Amps
Lav Door Limit
Must be latched open for taxi, T/O and Landing
Refueling Pressure Limit
10-55 psi
Max Defueling Pressure
-10 psi
Max Total Fuel quantity
6790 lbs
Define Ground Icing conditions
SAT 10° C and below and visible moisture, including vis <1 sm
Operate WING/ENGINE- ON and TAIL-AUTO in icing conditions
Define In flight icing conditions
RAT 10°C or below and visible moisture, including vis <1 sm
Operate WING/ENGINE- ON and TAIL-AUTO in icing conditions
Ground WING-ANTI ICE heating time
During ground operations it may take up to 2 minutes to extinguish WING ANTI-ICE light with N2 at 70%
Icing type Limitations
Flight in FZRA and FZDZ , or any severe icing is prohibited
ENG ANTI-ICE L/R not illuminated when ON
IF ambient temp is 15°C or warmer, a small decrease of N2 will indicate system is activated
When should you engage ENG anti-ice on
3-5 minutes prior to entering icing conditions
Flaps Setting for takeoff with Deicing fluid applied
Flaps 7, Corrections not provided for flaps 15.
Flap Setting in icing conditions
Maintain flaps up, except during landing and approach
Tail Deicing Limitations
Select TAIL-AUTO before entering icing
Do Not operate when -
> 150kts and RAT < -35°C
< 150 kts and RAT < -40°C
IF Digital Engine Display in Reversion Mode
Do not depart
Altitude and Heading Alignment Limitation
Do not taxi until Alt and Heading Ground Alignment complete
Max Takeoff thrust N1/N2
100% N1
102.8% N2
Ground Idle Min
49.3% N2
Flight Idle Min
53.2% N2
Transient N1/N2 Limits
102% N1
- 0% N2
- 2% N2 for 5 seconds
Oil Pressure and Temp Limit - Takeoff Thrust
45-160 psi and 10-121.1 °C
Oil Pressure and Temp Limit - Flight and Ground Idle
25-160 psi and -40-121.1°C
Min Oil Temp for Start
Min Oil Pressure limit for 20 seconds
0 psi
Min-Max Oil Temp and Pressure Transient
20-250 psi and 135°C for 400 seconds
Maximum Oil Consumption
1 qt per 8 hours
Engine Starter Limits
3 start attempts with 90 second interval in any 30 minute period. After third attempt, 30 minute cooling period
Thrust Reverser Limitations
- Idle <60 kts during landing roll or static operation
- Max deploy time 3 out of every 10 minutes
- Max deploy time with APU operating - 30 seconds
- No TR use during touch and goes
- No TR use to back up aircraft