Xerxes' Expedition (480-479) Flashcards
What happened at the first meeting of the Hellenic League?
To settle any quarrels between city states (especially Athens and Aegina’s war)
Which region medised to Persia due to no support?
What happened at the second meeting of the Hellenic League?
They agree to guard the pass at Thermopylae (unaware of the path to the rear - Herodotus’ hindsight)
Where were the Persians/Greeks camped before the battle of Thermopylae + Artemisium?
The Persians were sat at Trachis
The Greeks were at Thermopylae
How many Greek hoplites were at Thermopylae?
Which two fleets were held on the sea?
3100 hoplites (advanced force - intended to receive reinforcements)
Athens + Aegina’s fleets were held on the sea
What was significant about the troops that King Leonidas brought to Thermopylae?
They were all fathers of living sons (Spartans)
Thebans were taken as hostages due to having possible Persian sympathisers (Herodotus’ bias)
Why didn’t the Spartans send a larger fighting force to Thermopylae?
Due to the festival of Carneia + Olympics Games (They hadn’t expected it to be a major military action)
What was said at the War Conference in the build-up to Thermopylae?
The Pelopponesians argue to go back to the Isthmus - The Phocians + Locrians argue against this (due to proximity to Thermopylae - would be conquered if went to Isthmus)
Leonidas’ final say - they stay at Thermopylae + appeal for reinforcements
What did the Persian-sent spy see as they approached the Greek’s station at Thermopylae?
He saw Spartans combing their hair and exercising (Herodotus’ stereotypes)
Who did Xerxes’ send for after receiving the spy’s report from Thermopylae? What did he say?
Highlighting how the Spartans were the ‘finest’ and the ‘bravest’ in Greece - Xerxes doesn’t believe it
How long did Xerxes’ wait until his attack on Thermopylae?
4 days - attacked on the fifth
What was the names of the elite Persian military troops? Who led this?
The ‘Immortals’
What does Herodotus claim is a reason the Persians lose at Thermopylae?
The Persians had shorter spears compared to the Greek’s
What was a Spartan tactic during Thermopylae?
Feigning retreat - very successful with limited losses
Throughout the days of Thermopylae, what happened?
First 2 days - stalemate (Heavy Persian losses compared to Greeks)
Which Greek betrays their own people via bribery from Xerxes?
Ephialtes of Trachis - informs Xerxes of the pathway leading to the rear at Thermopylae
How does Herodotus’ confirm his belief in the traitor being named Ephialtes?
He highlights another story where the traitor was called Onetes - yet emphasises his stance on it being Ephialtes (Unlike Herodotus to mention this)
During the Persian advantages on this new track to Thermopylae - which troops were stood on guard here? What happened between these troops and the Persians?
The Phocians
The Persians were surprised at Phocians being prepared to assist - Hydarnes assuming they were Spartans (Herodotus’ bias)
Persian arrows caused Phocians to flee up the mountains, Persians simply passed by them
Which seer read the Spartan’s prophecies highlighting certain doom?
The Seer Megistias
What happened to the Greek Army once news of the Persian flank?
The Greek Army split - with many troops returning home
The Spartans under Leonidas remained to fight - due to Delphic prophecy (Herodotus’ bias)
What did the Delphic oracle say about Sparta at Thermopylae?
A Spartan king must die or Sparta will get sacked (Told to Herodotus later on - possibly false due to hindsight)
Who remained with the Spartans at Thermopylae?
Thebans (as hostages)
Thespians refused to return - choosing to stay and die
How does Herodotus characterise the Persian masters compared to their troops?
‘Barbarians’ who whips their troops to force them to fight (Herodotus bias)
How does Herodotus write the battle of Thermopylae?
Like a Homeric story - with Leonidas’ fall mid-battle and the struggle for his body resembling the Illiad
Who does Herodotus specify as a valiant warrior at Thermopylae due to his leconic remark?
Dieneces - ‘We shall have our battle in the shade!’
What did the Thebans do during Thermopylae?
Approached the Persians with open arms - offering their devotion to Persia (Herodotus bias against Thebes)
How does Aristophanes make fun of Herodotus’ retelling of Thermopylae?
Highlighting how Spartans acted like wild animals (‘Boars’) - satirical
How many ships were on the Greek side during the Battle of Artemisium?
271 Greek ships (more than half belonged to Athens)
Who was the officer Spartan commander of the Greek fleets in Artemisium?
What happened at the Council of War leading up to Salamis?
Peloponnesians argued for fighting at the Isthmus
What happened to Attica after the Greek defeat at Thermopylae?
Wholesale devastation (Thespiae + Platea destroyed)
Athenian temple held up by select few - ‘wooden walls’ prophecy - ultimately slaughtered by Persians as Athens was burnt down
What was the response of some naval commanders after the revelation of Athens destruction?
Fled - as the remaining people decided to fight at the Isthmus
What was the name of the man who approached Themistocles in the lead-up to Salamis? What was his plan?
Mnesiphilus - argued that the splitting of the army with half at Salamis + half at Isthmus would ruin Greece forever - urged Themistocles to try and convince Eurybiades to stay at Salamis
Why does Themistocles claim Mnesiphilus’ argument to stay at Salamis as his own?
This showcases Herodotus’ bias against Themistocles - showing him to be sly and taking the glory for himself
During the war conference in the lead-up to Salamis, who argued against Themistocles’ urging to stay at Salamis?
Adeimantus, the leader of the Corinthian contingent
What was Themistocles’ argument against fighting at the Isthmus?
It would mean great losses (Aegina, Salamis, Megara)
Staying at Salamis - it would be safer for the Peloponnese due to confidence in the ships’ ‘wooden walls’ prophecy
How does Herodotus’ portray his bias through Adeimantus?
Adeimantus highlights how Themistocles is a ‘refugee’ who shouldn’t be giving orders - Athens had been burnt down (no home)
How does Themistocles finally convince Eurybiades to stay at Salamis?
Declares he will be the ‘ruin of Greece’ if he does not
Also threatens to sail all the Athenians and their fleet to Siris in Italy - successful
What did the troops within the Isthmus do after the news of Leonidas’ destruction?
They began to build a wall all through night and day
Why did news of the wall in the Isthmus cause another meeting before Salamis?
The Peloponnesians urges to move at the Isthmus once again
What was Themistocles’ ruse against the Persians in the lead-up to Salamis?
Themistocles’ slave, Sicinnius, (Herodotus bias) sent to the Persians to convince them that the Greeks were divided
Was Themistocles’ ruse against the Persians successful?
Yes - the Persians began to advance and organise their troops on surrounding islands to Salamis all night - leading to them having no sleep
Who did Herodotus label the most ‘just’ man in Athens and a rival of Themistocles? What did this man do?
Aristides was willing to settle any differences and back Themistocles’ plan to stay at Salamis + to report the ruse to Eurybiades - recognising that the whole of Greece was on the line
What happened to the first fleet of the Persians that entered the Salamis Straits?
The Persians were cut down by the Athenian + Aeginetans - the narrow straits meant the Persian ships were too large
What did Adeimantus do during the Battle of Salamis? What happened according to Herodotus?
Adeimantus and the Corinthian contingent began to flee - only for a ghost ship to appear and force the ships back into battle
What does Herodotus state about the Corinthian ghost ship anecdote?
That this is an Athenian story and the other cities do not believe this
What was the outcome of the Battle of Salamis?
Mardonius approaches Xerxes after the Persian defeat - suggests an immediate attack on the Peloponnese with the land army OR if Xerxes wants to withdraw the army from Greece, allow him to keep 300,000 troops to force Greece into submission himself
What does Xerxes do after Salamis?
Summons a debate with key advisors (inclu. Artemisia of Halicarnassus)
What does Artemisia recommend Xerxes do after Salamis?
Artemisia recommends that Xerxes takes up Mardonius’ offer to take control of 300,000 troops and return home - if Mardonius fails, it falls onto him only and not Xerxes (Herodotus bias as Artemisia was queen of Halicarnassus - his homeland)
Who did the Persians send as an envoy to the Athenians after Salamis? Was this successful?
Alexander of Macedon
He proposes that Athens medise in return for their city + gold - The Athenians refuse this proposal, too much damage done to just deflect
What do the Athenians say the Persians will do in response to their rejection of Alexander’s proposal after Salamis?
That they will invade Attica and ravage the lands once again
What was Mardonius’ response to the rejection of the proposal by Alexander?
He began to attack Attica with the backing of many medised states (Thessaly etc)
Why did Mardonius ignore the recommendations of city states to send money to bribe the towns still resisting?
He was blood-lusted to capture Athens to prove his competence to Xerxes - yet the town was deserted, and ultimately useless to capture
Who did Mardonius send to the Athenians at Salamis as an enovy? What did this cause?
Murychides - Mardonius’ envoy to the Athenians
He offers peace to Athens which is rejected
Even thought Athens rejects Murychides’ peace offering - how did this cause disunity?
The Lycidas incident - Lycidas expresses his opinion that joining the Persians may be beneficial - he and his wife + kids were stoned to death for this
What do the Athenians threaten to do if Sparta does not send troops? (before Platea) Was this successful?
Threatened to medise to Persia to the Ephors through the words of a non-spartan (Chileos) - Sparta ends up agreeing to send troops
Why is Herodotus’ use of Chileos’ speech to the Spartans unusual? What does it show about H’s view on the Persian War?
To highlight how the Athenians were vital to winning the war, and that the mere threat of medising would cost the Spartans the entire war if they did not listen to Chileos’ speech to send troops