Key Individuals (Persian War) Flashcards
Who was Aristogoras?
Tyrant of Miletus
Kickstarted the Ionian Revolt in 499
Who was Artaphernes?
Satrap of Sardis
Establishes democracies to the Ionian states after the Ionian Revolt
Who was Darius? What were his characteristics?
King of Persia from 522-486
Ordered the Persian expeditions of 492 + 490
He was seen as just and noble and honoured and was tolerant of foreign religions source(s) Herodotus and his burial at Naqs-e rustam
Who was Mardonius?
Darius’ son-in-law
Persian General in charge of the 492 expedition (relived of duty afterwards)
Biggest advocate for invading Greece during Persian court under Xerxes
Was also in charge of the Persian army in the Battle of Platea in 479 and was killed
Who was Datis?
Persian General of the 490 expedition
Who was Hippias?
Former tyrant of Athens
From the Peisistratids family
Assisted in the Persian Invasion of 490 BCE
Who was Militades?
Ex-tyrant of the Chersonese
Athenian strategoi during Marathon
Had insider information on Persian tactics
Notable for his ‘under the arrows’ tactic (run 200 ish (not 1 mile Herodotus) yards)
Who was Callimachus?
Athenian polemarch who made the decision to fight at Marathon
Slain at Marathon
Who was Pheidippides?
Athenian Herald who ran from Marathon to Athens to inform them of the victory at the Battle of Marathon
Also ran to Sparta from Athens in 2 days to request help for Persian Invasion (Sparta arrived late)
Inspired the modern Olympic ‘marathon’
Who was Epizelus?
Athenian hoplite at Marathon
Suffered hysterical blindness during the battle
Credited by Herodotus as a source