Why do cells divide
To maintain an optimal surface area to volume ratio
The bigger a cell gets
The more stress the cell has on the DNA and the organelles
Trouble moving nutrients and waste in and out of the cells
Cells reproduce for
In multicellular organisms, cells reproduce to
Replace old or damaged cells and to grow
In unicellular organisms, cells reproduce to
.. reproduce??
Somatic cells are also known as
Body cells
Somatic cells are made by
All body cells have the same DNA. The only difference between them are the ..
Genes being expressed, which makes them different
The cell cycle is a…
A repeating set of events in the life of a cell that allows multicellular organisms to grow and divide and for unicellular organisms to reproduce
The cell cycle includes
Cytokinesis (cell division) – a small part of the cycle
The cell cycle has … Stages
What are the 2 main stages of cell cycle
Interphase and Mitotic phase
The interphase is broken down into .. different parts of the cycle
Is interphase or Mitotic phase longer
What are the phases of interphase?
G¹ phase, S phase, G² phase. (THERES ALSO G⁰ PHASE)
Interphase takes up .. of the cell cycle?
What happens during G1 phase (first gap)?
The cell grows and organelles are replicated or made.
What happens during S phase (Synthesis)
The DNA is replicated
What happens during G2 PHASE (second gap)
The cell prepares for for cell division
What happens during G0 phase
Resting phase, nothing happens.
Can be temporary – liver cells
Or permanent – cardiac or nerve cells
What happens during the Mitotic phase
Mitosis and cytokinesis
What happens during mitosis
What happens during cytokinesis
Occured differently in animal and plant cells