X-rays Flashcards
Define radiation:
Transmission of energy through space.
What kinds of rays are involved with medical radiation?
X-rays and gamma rays
Why is it called “ionizing” radiation?
Has enough energy to knock electrons loose, creating ion atoms or molecules.
Which end of the spectrum has shorter wavelength?
Gamma rays, X-rays, and upper region of ultraviolet spectrum.
Which rays have higher energy?
Higher frequencies (ultraviolet and up) have more energy.
Where does radiation come from in nature?
Cosmic rays, terrestrial radiation from Earth deposits, and radon.
Where do we get most of the radiation we get in our lives?
Medical radiation is most of our exposure.
What are other sources of man-made radiation?
Nuke power, research, industrial sources, certain consumer items.
What are some units of measure for radiation? (7 examples)
Bequerels, curies, roentgens, rads, grays, rems, sieverts
How much exposure is maximum?
5,000 mrems annually
What kinds of harm can excess exposure cause?
Skin burns, radiation sickness, higher cancer risk, genetic damage
What does “ALARA” stand for?
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Use the mimimum possible/ necessary
What are the three factors that control the amount of exposure to radiation?
Time, distance, protection (shielding)
What is the inverse square law?
Dosage is reduced with the square of the distance (i.e., big reduction in dosage with modest increase of distance: twice as far away from source means 1/4 the intensity).
This is because the energy from a point source is distributed more widely over a 2-dimensional area at each point of distance…
What on earth is a Crookes tube?
Glass container, partial vacuum, cathode and anode, cathode rays (electrons) generated by voltage.
Who used one to discover X-rays?
Wilhelm Roentgen
Who invented the fluoroscope?
Thomas Edison