X ray unit and films Revision Questions Flashcards
What does an xray unit consist of?
X rays tube head Collimator Positioning arm Control Panel Circiutary
Filament - cathode
Made of tungsten and negatively charged
Goes through step down transformer - low voltage and high current
z = 74, mp = 3210 degrees
Target - anode
Positively charged and made of tungsten
Converts electrons to xray photons
effective area = 0.7mm^2
Target surround
copper and effective heat conductor
z=24, mp = 1080 degrees
lead surround to absorb xrays trying to get out of tube head
Z = 82
Ensure does rate in vinicity >7.5uSvh^-1
Evacuate glass envelope
Evacuated glass and vacuum prevents risk of interaction of electrons with air atoms prior to meeting target
Alluminium allows high energy electron through but not low ones Z = 13 1.5mm <=70kv 2.5mm >70kv
Controls the shape of the xrays beam
max beam = 60mm
Spacer cone
a beam indicating device
Controls the distance between the focus to skin
What does rectangular collimation do?
Controls the shape, size of the xray beam
Dose reduction, improved quality, fewer rejects
Compoenents of an intra oral film?
Radiographic film
Protective paper (black) - protects the radiographic film from light from light exposure, damage fingers and saliva
Lead foil - absorbs any excess xray photons - furthers away from tube - lets xrays get to the patient
Outer wrapper
What is the structure of the radiogrpahic film?
Transparent plastic base - supports the emulsion
Adhesive - attaches the emulsion to the plastic base
Emulsion - silver bromide in gelatin
Protective coating of clear gelation - shields the emulsion from mechanical damage
What does film holder packet consist of?
Connecting rod
bite block
image receptor support
beam aiming deveice with rectangular devices
Where is the xray dot located
convex faces tube head
Placed occulsally so does not superimpose over tooth
PA - dot bottom of film holder
BW - top of holder
What is a latent image?
A hidden image that becomes visible once beam is processed
Steps of fim processing
Developing - converts sentitised crystals to black metallic silver patches
Washing - removes resisdual developer solution
Fixing - removes non-sensitised crystals and hardens emulsion
Washing - removes reisdual fixer solution
Drying - removes water so film is ready to be handled
Advantages of self developing film
No dark room or processing facilities required
Faster time to complete