X-ray interaction 1 Flashcards
X-ray Photon Interactions cases
Case 1: X-ray photon passes straight through the matter without interacting
- Pass through object but might absorb it.
- Other reaction it can be stopped x-ray detector.
- It can be scattered diverged from its original path and not be able to detect it.
Some materials absorb more x-ray material than others, such as bone will absorb more than soft tissues.
Case 2: X-ray photon is completely absorbed by the matter
Case 3: X-ray photon is scattered from its original path because of interacting with the matter
What are X-ray Photon Interactions
Any one of these aforementioned processes is not guaranteed for individual X-ray photons – there is only a probability that one of the processes may occur.
X-ray photon interactions are random statistical processes
On average however when considering many X-ray photon interactions some interactions have a higher probability which is dependent on a number of factors
For example
it is more likely that a thicker object will absorb more X-ray photons than a thinner object made of the same material
it is more likely that a dense object will absorb more X-ray photons than a less dense object
What are the 5 processes whereby an X-ray photon can interact with matter?
Photoelectric absorption
Compton scattering
Coherent (Rayleigh) scattering
Pair production
Photoelectric Absorption
Absorption definition
Dependence on
Atomic Number
X-ray photon energy
Image quality
Radiation dose
What is Absorption?
The transfer of energy from the X-ray beam to the medium
Photoelectric Absorption
An X-ray photon, with sufficient energy, interacts with a bound electron from the inner shell of an atom in an object.
The X-ray photon must have an energy greater than the binding energy of the inner shell electron to take part in photoelectric absorption
Photoelectric absorption: Where does all of the energy of the photon transfer to?
All of the energy of the photon is transferred to the electron
The electron then has enough energy to be freed as a photoelectron and leaves a ‘hole’ or ‘vacancy’ in the shell.
Photoelectric Absorption: What energy does it have?
The photoelectron will have a kinetic energy equal to the difference of the incident X-ray photon energy and the binding energy of an inner shell electron.
The photoelectron will only travel a short distance and deposit its energy into the surrounding mater
Photoelectric Absorption: Describe the vacancy in the inner shell
The vacancy in the inner shell is filled by electrons from higher shells of the atom.
This produces a photon (characteristic radiation) of usually low energy – so it is not an X-ray photon
The emitted photon is usually absorbed close to the site where it was produced—this deposition of energy contributes to patient dose
The atom is left with a net positive charge as a result of losing an electron
The vacancy in the higher shell is filled by electrons in higher shells
With each transition characteristic radiation is produced further contributing to patient dose
All of the energy of the incident X-ray photon is deposited in the patient and thus contributes to dose
The probability of photoelectric effect depends on: (give equation)
E - energy of the x-ray photon
Z - atomic number of the material
p - mass density of the material
𝑃𝐸𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏 ∝ 𝜌𝑍^3/𝐸^3
Photoelectric Absorption: Energy of the X-ray photon
Probability of photoelectric interactions is highest when the X-ray photons energy is slightly above the electron binding energy
If the X-ray photon energy is too low in cannot free the bound electron
If the energy is too high the probability significantly decreases due to the inverse relationship with the cube of the energy (see previous slide)
Photoelectric Absorption & Image Quality
Photoelectric effect produces excellent images because it enhances natural tissue contrast and does not produce scatter
X-ray image contrast depends on some tissues absorbing more X-ray photons than other tissues
Contrast is greatest when the difference in absorption between adjacent tissues is greatest
Because the number of photoelectric reactions depends on the third power of the atomic number, the photoelectric effect magnifies the difference in tissues composed of different elements such as bone and soft tissue
Photoelectric Absorption & Patient Dose
The photoelectric effect results in patients receiving more radiation dose than from any other type of interaction
All the energy of an incident photon is absorbed by the patient
Effect of photoelectric interaction can be reduced using high-energy (kVp) techniques
Photoelectric Absorption: Key Points
Dominates at low photon energy
Produces excellent radiographic contrast
Responsible for majority of patient dose
Photoelectric absorption & contrast media
K-edge absorption
Iodine & barium contrast media
As the photon energy increases, there are values where there is a sudden jump in attenuation (absorption increases)
For example, at energies just below the k-edge the X-ray photons don’t have enough energy to free the k-shell electrons
K-edge Absorption & Contrast Media: What happens as the energy increases and the probability of the x-ray photon?
As the energy increases to just over the required energy, a much larger number of bound electrons in the object become available for photoelectric absorption
Therefore, the probability of the X-ray photon being attenuated by a photoelectric interaction significantly increases—overall absorption increase significantly
K-edge Absorption & Contrast Media: What is it useful for some materials in radiography?
This is particularly useful for some materials used in radiography such as iodine and barium
These materials have k-edge absorption energies within the diagnostic energy range and therefore standout really well on images—they produce excellent contrast.
Iodine contrast agent is often injected into blood vessels to make their structures visible on X-ray images—they would be otherwise invisible.
Barium contrast agent is often administered orally to make gastrointestinal structures visible of X-ray images—they would otherwise be invisible
K-edge: Iodine: 33.2 keV, Barium: 37.4 keV
X-ray Interactions with Matter
: Compton Scattering
Dependence on
X-ray beam energy
Consequence of Compton scatter on
Patient & staff dose
Image quality
Proportion of Compton scattering compared with photoelectric absorption
What is scattering?
A change in the direction of an X-ray photon due to interaction
What is Compton Scattering?
An X-ray photon interacts with a loosely bound outer shell electron of the object atom
The bound electron absorbs some of the incident X-ray photon’s energy and is deflected
The X-ray photon having lose some of it’s energy is deflected (scattered)
Compton scattering is also called incoherent scattering as the change of photon energy is not orderly and consistent
The change in energy of the X-ray photon depends on the angle through which it is scattering and not on the scattering medium
Compton Scattering: energy transfer
The larger the energy transfer from the incident X-ray photon to the loosely bound outer shell electron the:
lower the energy of the scattered X-ray photon
larger the angle of the deflected X-ray photon
higher the kinetic energy of the deflected electron
Compton Scattering: Charge
Compton scattering occurs more often with
Outer shell loosely bound electrons
Compton scattering results in the atom in the medium having a positive charge
This charge is neutralized by absorbing a free electron from the medium
Compton Scattering: probability of Compton scattering depends on:
Total number of electrons in absorber
Number electrons per gram
All elements contain approximately the same number of electrons per gram, regardless of atomic number
Therefore, probability of Compton scattering is almost independent of the atomic number Z but does depend on:
the density of the absorber—the higher the density the greater the Compton scattering
the energy of the incident X-ray photon—inversely proportional to photon energy
Probability of a Compton interaction decreases as incident photon energy increases (but is fairly constant across the diagnostic energy range)
Compton Scattering: Degrades image quality
Arrives on the image detector from all directions leading to an increase in overall image density with reduced image contrast
At worst the image may be non-diagnostic
Compton Scattering: Radiation dose issues
Compton scatter that escapes from the patient or X-ray tube can travel in all directions
Compton scatter can be absorbed by staff working in proximity to the patient
Compton scatter can be absorbed by patient anatomy outside the primary X-ray beam
- Which one of the following cannot happen to an X-ray photon as it traverses matter?
a. scattering
b. absorption
c. transmission
d. transformation
d. transformation
- The absorption and scattering of X-ray photons by matter is a ______ process where the outcome of each individual interaction is ¬¬¬¬_________. Match the correct pair.
a. deterministic, guaranteed
b. random, not guaranteed
c. a thermal, not guaranteed
d. statistical, guaranteed
random, not guaranteed
- Which one of the following is not a process whereby X-ray photons interact with matter
a. photoelectric absorption
b. Compton scattering
c. Coherent scattering
d. photostimulation
e. Pair production
- Photoelectric absorption involves an incident _______ interacting with an _______ of an ______ shell of an atom. Match the correct triplet of words.
a. electron, photon, inner
b. photon, electron, outer
c. photon, electron, inner
d. photon, photon, outer
photon, electron, inner
- Characteristic radiation produced during the photoelectric interaction is different than that produced during X-ray production because it is produced by an incident ______ instead of an incident ______ .
a. photon, electron
b. electron, photon
c. electron, scattered photon
d. proton, photon
photon, electron
- Characteristic radiation produced in the human body as a result of the photoelectric effect have
a. high photon energy (> 100 keV) and usually escape from the body
b. high photon energy (> 100 keV) and usually are absorbed by the body
c. low photon energy (< 4 keV) and usually absorbed by the body
d. low photon energy (< 5 keV) and usually escape the body
low photon energy (< 4 keV) and usually absorbed by the body
- Photoelectric absorption results in the energy of the incident X-ray photon being…
a. partially absorbed
b. totally scattered
c. totally absorbed
d. partially scattered
totally absorbed
- The probability of photoelectric absorption is proportional to
a. mass density & photon energy’3
b. mass density & atomic number’3
c. photon energy’3 & atomic number’3
d. electron density’3 & atomic number’2
mass density & atomic number’3
- The probability of photoelectric interaction at a particular absorption edge energy is greatest
a. well below the absorption edge energy
b. just below the absorption edge energy
c. exactly at the absorption edge energy
d. just above the absorption edge energy
just above the absorption edge energy
- Photoelectric absorption results in excellent images because it
a. reduces contrast between elements with different atomic number and reduces scattered radiation
b. enhances contrast between elements with different atomic numbers and does not produce scattered X-ray photons
c. reduces X-ray radiation dose and increase contrast between different tissue types
d. increases scattered radiation which enhances image contrast
enhances contrast between elements with different atomic numbers and does not produce scattered X-ray photons
- Photoelectric absorption is inversely proportional to
a. Z’3
b. E’2
c. E’3
d. Z’2
- Common contrast agents used radiography are
a. lead & copper
b. silver & iodine
c. iodine & barium
d. barium & silver
iodine & barium
- The k-edge absorption energy of iodine and barium are _____ and _____ respectively
a. 33.2 eV, 37.4 eV
b. 33.2 keV, 37.4 keV
c. 37.4 keV, 33.2 keV
d. 33.2 MeV, 37.4 MeV
33.2 keV, 37.4 keV
- Compton scattering involves an incident ______ interacting with an _____ shell _______. Match the following triplet of terms.
a. electron, outer, electron
b. X-ray photon, inner, proton
c. X-ray photon, outer, electron
d. electron, outer, electron
X-ray photon, outer, electron
- Compton scattering results in an incident ______ being diverted from its path resulting in it having _______ energy. Match the pair of words.
a. electron, higher
b. photon, higher
c. photon, lower
d. electron, lower
photon, lower
- Which of the following set of variables does Compton scattering depend on
a. atomic number, density, energy of incident photon
b. neutron, energy of incident of incident photon
c. coulomb force, mass
d. density and incident photon energy
d. density and incident photon energy
- Over the range of photon energies employed in radiographic imaging Compton scattering
a. increases rapidly
b. is approximately constant
c. decreases rapidly
d. decreases apart from at k-edges
is approximately constant
- Compton scattering
a. improves image contrast
b. degrades image contrast
c. does not affect image contrast
d. only improves image contrast of dense objects
degrades image contrast
- Compton scattering
a. does not escape the patient and so it is not hazard for radiographers
b. may escape the patient but only in the direction of the primary beam and so is not a hazard for radiographer
c. may escape the patient at any angle and therefore poses a hazard to radiographers
d. does not pose a hazard to radiographers as it is of very low energy
may escape the patient at any angle and therefore poses a hazard to radiographers
- Across the diagnostic X-ray photon energy range the probability of Compton scattering
a. is much greater at low energies compared to photoelectric absorption
b. is approximately equal compared to photoelectric absorption
c. is much greater at high energies compared to photoelectric absorption
d. is a lot less at high energies compared to photoelectric absorption
is much greater at high energies compared to photoelectric absorption
- The effects of Compton scattering on subject contrast can be reduced by
a. using and anti-scatter grid or an air-gap between the exit of the patient and the entrance of the detector
b. using a smaller focal spot size
c. increasing the mA
d. increasing the exposure time
using and anti-scatter grid or an air-gap between the exit of the patient and the entrance of the detector
- Compton scattering is also called _______ scattering as the change in the photon energy depends on the ______ of scattering. Match the pair of terms
a. incompetent, magnitude
b. incoherent, vector
c. incomplete, angle
d. incoherent, angle
incoherent, angle