X-ray beam attenuation and scatter control Flashcards
What is the reduction in x-ray intensity that results from absorption and scattering?
What factors effect the amount of attenuation that occurs?
- The tissue thickness (cm)
- The density of the tissue and bone for same thickness
- The beam energy (kV) – PE (photoelectric effect)
- The atomic number of the tissue - PE
What will increasing tissue thickness affect?
↑ x-ray beam attenuation (absorption and scatter)
↓ # x-rays reaching the film
How do you compensate for an increase in tissue thickness?
↑ the exposure (kV with mAs) = increased energy and penetration
When do you measure the tissue thickness?
When in position
What happens if you measure an animal’s tissue thickness whilst standing or sitting?
Over-exposed radiograph - measured thicker
What is the attenuated density of bone, soft tissue and gas?
Bone = 1.5 (small animal) - 2 (large animal)
Soft tissue = 1
Gas = negligible
This occurs when an incident x-ray is totally absorbed during the ionization of an inner-shell electron
Photoelectric effect (PE)
Significance of PE
↑ patient dose
↓ beam penetration - more absorbed in patient
↑ image contrast
Factors that influence PE
Beam energy (kV) Tissue atomic number
In Compton scattering, the incident x-ray interacts with an _______ electron and ejects it from the atom
X-rays throughout the diagnostic range can undergo an interaction with outer-shell electrons that not only scatters the x-ray but reduces its energy and ionizes the atom as well. This interaction is called_______
Compton scattering
Compton scattering reduces _____ _____
Image contrast - creates a fog over image
What factors increase Compton scatter?
↑ tissue thickness
↑ tissue density
↑ beam energy
What causes scatter?
When an x-ray photon collides with a stationary outer-shell electron, transferring some of the energy and momentum to the electron
• Electron will be excited and ejected from its valence shell atom
• X-ray photon has less energy moving in a scattered direction randomly
How can you reduce scatter reaching the film?
How can you reduce scatter production?
What is beam collimation?
Utilise movable lead leaves and a light source to define the area of the beam to reduce scatter production
When should you generally use a grid to reduce scatter reaching a film?
At 10cm tissue thickness
9cm bone, 15cm thorax
What is the draw-back of using grids?
Absorb some of transmitted x-ray beam (primary beam as well as scatter)
Name the 4 different types of grids
What is the main difference in Compton radiation and the Photoelectric effect?
Compton’s incident x-ray interacts with an outer-shell electron, Photoelectric’s incident x-ray interacts with an inner-shell electron
Bone has an atomic number of 13.8; soft tissue has an atomic number of 7.4. Which will absorb more x-ray?
Bone will absorb more x-ray because of its higher atomic number
What is scatter radiation called when x-rays are bounced back towards to the incident beam?
Backscatter radiation
X-rays that pass thru the body without interacting do what to the image?
Create black areas
An increase in patient thickness results in a/an ____________ in attenuation
The primary purpose of the glass envelope of an x-ray tube is to
Provide a vacuum