X-Ray Flashcards
What is X-Ray
Collects data about requests that your app serves and provides tools you can use to view, filter, and gain insights into that data to identify issues for oppertunities for optimization.
What detailed info can you see with X-Ray?
Calls that your app makes to downstream AWS Resources, microservices, DB and HTTP web APIs
What is the X-Ray SDK
Provides Inceptors to add to your code to trace incoming HTTP requests.
Client handlers to instrument AWS SDK clients your app to call other AWS services.
An HHTP client is used to instrument calls to internal and external HTTP web services
Services that have X-Ray Integration
ELB Lambda API Gateway EC2 Elastic Beanstalk
X-Ray Supported Lanagues
Java Go Node.js Python Ruby .net
If you want to filter segments what should you do?
Put custom attributes in annotations
Traces defined by the same filtered expression X-Ray
Key-value pairs that can be filtered X-Ray
Key-Value pairs of other types(lists) that cannot be indexed. X-Ray
What information does a segment provide
The name of compute resource running your application logic.
Details about the request
Details about the work done
What info does a subsegment provide
Granular timing info and downstream calls that your app made to fulfill org request.
Can also include more details about call to a microservice, external HTTP API, or SQL database
Subsegment is added to a segment
All segments generated by a single request
What is a Tracing Header?
In HTTP request header. X-Amzn-Trace-Id can originate from the X-Ray SDK, an AWS service or client request
JSON document that describes services and resources used in your app. Generated by X-Ray. And can be used to generate visualization or a service map.
Service Graph
How to configure x-ray in Elastic Beanstalk
use x-ray-dameon.config file to install Dameon
How to configure X-Ray in other apps (not Elastic Beanstalk)
Create script that will configure the dameon
2 env variables used by Lambda to communicate with X-Ray