Elastic Beanstalk Flashcards
What is Elastic Beanstalk?
Service for deploying and scaling web apps in popular languages widely using web server platforms
GUI for easy upload code and Beanstlak provisions all reasources for you
What is the fastest and simplest way to deploy an app in AWS?
Elastic Beanstalk
Languages supported by Elastic Beanstalk
Java PHP Python Ruby Go Docker .NET Node.js
App Server Platforms supported by Elastic Beanstalk
How to integrate monitoring and health checks in Elastic Beanstalk
No need this is all included
Can you take admin control of EC2 instances in Elastic Beanstalk?
Yes, although Elastic Beanstalk can fully manage EC2 instances for you. You can also take full admin control.
Deployment Policies of Elastic Beanstalk
All at Once
Rolling with additional Batch
Traffic Splitting
Describe Traffic Splitting Elastic Beanstalk Deployment Policy
Immutable deployment with percentage of incoming traffic to new app version for evaluation
Enables Canary Testing
How to customize Elastic Beanstalk Enviornment
.config file (JSON or YAML)
save in .ebextensions folder (must. be in top level directory of app)
2 options for connection RDS and Elastic Beanstalk
1) Can create w/ beanstalk (good for dev and test but not for prod) as this would delete RDS in production
2) For prod decouple RDS from Elastic Beanstalk
How to decouple RDS from Elastic Beanstalk?
Launch RDS outside of Elastic Beanstalk
Add additional security group
Provide connection info as env. properties
Allow connect from multi env.
If you want additional info about resources in ELB env what should you enable?
Enhanced health reporting
Where are application logs stored in ELB?
Where are server logs sotred?
S3 or CloudWatch Logs
What are possible issues if you recieve message “The instance profile aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role associated with the environment does not exist”
The ELB CLI did not create once because IAM role has no permission to create roles
IAM role already exists but has insufficient permissions that ELB needs
What configuration files should you add if you want periodic tasks done in Elastic Beanstalk?
What config file should you add if you need to config env. name, solution stack, and env links to create ElasticBeanstalk enviornment?
What config file should you add if you want ot have a multicontainer Docker enviornment hosted in Elastic Beanstalk?
Which AWS services can be used as a web server for your Elastic Beanstalk Environment
Auto Scaling Group,
How to deploy new version of Elastic Beanstalk in CLI
package your app as a ZIP file and then run
eb deploy
In order to delete an old Elastic Beanstalk environment what do you need to do?
Delete existing security group
Ways to migrate an app written in C++ to Elastic Beanstalk (easiest ways)
Use Packer to generate custom AMI and deploy with EB
Use Docker to containerize app, deploy with EB