Wyatt Flashcards
what is the context of this rebellion ?
.France did not want to see Hasburg Empire expansion
. rumours that Spanish inquisition would be exported to England began by Carew - Mary later introduced law that result in hand cut off for rumour mongering
what were the aims of the rebellion ?
. Stop marriage with Phillip of Spain - implication of England becoming a Spanish outpost, due to religion also ( Mary had introduced 43 catholic privy council members, increasing influence of Catholics and polarising the courts ) ,and in courts later on English told of their fear of Spanish over-running trade and markets
. Elizabeth on the throne, to change the line of succession
what was the leadership like?
Wyatt was a former sheriff and military strategist under Henry VIII, therefore able to deploy army strategy for rebellion , but poor tactician eg moved to Ludgate where forced up narrow streets and faced with Lord Pembroke and defeated
what was strategy ? Why did this fail?
. Using a four pincer movement to surround London ( Midlands Kent and the West County) and force Mary to submit - carew, suffolk and croft and wyatt as leaders
. This failed as the imperial abassador heard of the plot and informed Head of Marys Spy Network , who interrogated Courtenay and details of plot - garrisoned Exeter which caused Croft to flee and Re-enforced Ludgate and London Bridge to prevent entry of the rebels
how much support did Wyatt have ?
Had 3000 rebels , and gained 500 when many from Norfolk’s army deserted
. Many rebels abandoned Wyatt upon reaching Ludgate and facing London and army
. Local JPS such as George Harper, Thomas Cullpepper - lack of Nobles perhaps fearing the punishment of Rebellion following Western and Kett ,
what is the narrative ?
. Wyatt issued a proclamation to Kent asking the people to rise-up against the Government
.Wyatt headed to Rochester where Norfolk levied 600 troops,
. fought with Norfolk and won 500 troops of Norfolk’s desert him for Wyatt
.Wyatt waits at Southwark
. Mary’s Guildhall Speech
. Ludgate affair + wyatt defeated
what increased the threat of the rebellion?
. Wyatt took Government by surprise , who though rebellion had been defeated when Gardiner interrogated Carew, Suffolk , and Croft
. Issued a proclamation, which had potential to appeal to rebels,
. Norfolks men deserted him
. Possible French support who sent 80 ships to block potential Spanish support from channel crossing
. Carew rumour which may have began Anti-Spanish sentiments and increased common support
what decreased threat?
. Mary’s Guildhall speech meant that 20,000 londoners prepared to defend London
. Wyatts delayed entry into London , which gave time for reinforcement of the Bridge and defences, which forced Wyatt to take entry into narrow lanes , where easily defeated
. Gardiner took pre-emptive methods to prevent rebellion = interrogating Courtenay which led to the fleeing leaders, and lessened the threat of the rebellion as kent, sussex and west county could not surround London
. Failure of French ships to land
what was the government response ?.
. Mary issued two pardons - the second one caused fleeing of Wyatt’s men at Ludgate
.Gardiner preventative steps
. Guild hall speech = 20,000
.Duke of Norfolk, Pembroke and Clinton to supress rebels