WWII Flashcards
True or False
The Weimar Republic was set up in Germany before the end of the First World War. ________
True or False
After the First World War, the Soviet Union grew into a strong power and took over the positions of Britain and France. ________
True or False
Compared with other European countries, the United States suffered less from the destruction of the First World War as the main battlefields were in Europe. ________
True or False
Britain became the world’s greatest creditor after the First World War. ________
True or False
Britain did not intend to stop the aggressions of Japan, Italy and Germany in the 1930s as solving internal socio-economic problems was its top priority. ________
True or False
The 1930s Great Depression began in the United States. ________
True or False
Mussolini set up a totalitarian state in Italy after 1922. ________
True or False
Mussolini formed the Nazi Party in 1921. ________
True or False
Fascism advocated Mussolini’s personality cult and glorified wars. ________
True or False
Mussolini promised to revive the greatness of Italy so he gained the support of the Italians. ________
True or False
The Japanese militarists adopted an expansionist policy and advocated the use of force to expand national interests. ________
True or False
The Germans regarded the signing of the Munich Agreement by the Weimar Republic was a betrayal of Germany. ________
True or False
After the Wall Street Crash, the United States demanded that the European countries pay their debts. This severely hit the European economy. ________
True or False
Mussolini used an axe tied with rods as the symbol of the Communist Party. ________
True or False
The Nazi Party became the largest party in 1932. Hitler was appointed as emperor in the next year. ________
True or False
Party rule began in Japan after the First World War, but was finally ended by the militarists. ________
True or False
In 1931, the Japanese army invaded Manchuria in China and later set up the puppet state, Manzhouguo. ________
True or False
The Japanese militarists believed that communism which advocated the abolition of the Imperial system should be suppressed. ________
True or False
On September 18, 1931, Japan invaded China’s Jinlin which triggered off the Shenyang Incident. ________
True or False
On September 18, 1931, Japan invaded China’s Jinlin which triggered off the Shenyang Incident. ________
True or False
Since France and Britain entered a period of economic recession, they decided to adopt an appeasement policy in face of German aggression in the 1930s. ________
True or False
Mussolini adopted an expansionist policy and invaded Ivory Coast in Africa in 1935.
True or False
Hitler’s remilitarization of Alsace-Lorraine in 1936 violated the Treaty of Versailles. ________
True or False
The union of Germany and Hungary in 1938 was a violation of the Treaty of Versailles. ________
True or False
In September 1938, Germany occupied the Sudetenland, the northwestern area of Czechoslovakia. ________
True or False
Abyssinia asked the United Nations for help in the face of the invasion of Italy, but it failed to force Italy out of Abyssinia. ________
True or False
The Soviet leader Lenin and the Czech President Benes were not invited to the Munich Conference. ________
True or False
The Second World War broke out in 1914. ________
True or False
The invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 set off the Second World War. ________
True or False
The Allied Powers and the Allies fought each other in the Second World War. ________
True or False
The Allied Powers in the Second World War included Japan, Germany and Italy. ________
True or False
The Allied Powers in the Second World War included mainly Britain, France, the Soviet
True or False
In 1940, Germany attacked Belgium and France simultaneously, and France surrendered to Germany in June. ________
True or False
Germany started the Battle of Britain after the surrender of France. ________
True or False
Italy invaded southern Africa in 1940 and drove Britain into the war in Africa. ________
True or False
The Japanese failure in the Battle of Midway was a turning point of the Pacific War.
True or False
The Japanese failure in the Battle of Midway was a turning point of the Pacific War.
On December 7, 1941, Japan made a sudden attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbour in order to destroy the American Pacific fleet. ________
True or False
Italy was the first Axis Power to surrender in the Second World War. ________
True or False
Germany withdrew from the Second World War in 1943. ________
True or False
Germany was the last Axis Power to surrender in the Second World War. ________
True or False
The United States dropped atomic bombs on Tokyo and Nagasaki in order to force Japan to surrender. ________
True or False
The surrender of Germany marked the end of the Second World War. ________
After the First World War, the United States returned to _____________, as shown by its refusal to join the League of Nations in 1920.
In the United States, the __________________ began soon after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.
In 1919, __________________ formed the League of Combat and reorganized it into the National Fascist Party in 1921.
To rank equal to the Western powers, Japan adopted __________________ rule after the First World War.
In 1932, Hitler’s __________________ became the largest party in the German parliament. Hitler became __________________ the next year.
On September 18, 1931, Japan invaded ______________ China and created the state of ______________.
Italy sent troops to Abyssinia in _______ and finally conquered the whole of it due to the weakness of the League of Nations.
Britain adopted the policy of _____________ towards German expansion, so Germany was able to annex the Sudetenland, which was a part of ______________ in 1938.
In 1938, the British Prime Minister ______________ signed the Munich Agreement with Hitler to keep peace. Yet, Hitler invaded ______________ in 1939 which led to the outbreak of the Second World War.
Two blocs, the ______________ and the ______________, fought each other in the Second World War.
After signing the ________________ with the Soviet Union in August, 1939, Germany sent troops into Poland which led to the outbreak of the Second World War.
The incident of the Japanese attack on the American base in Hawaii in 1941 is called ‘____________________________’.
In order to end the war as soon as possible, the United States dropped two ______________ on Hiroshima and ______________.
______________ failed to receive all the land promised by the Allied Powers in the First World War. This led to the rise of totalitarianism as the Italians were discontented with their weak democratic government.
The government of the newly established _____________________ failed to solve the socio-economic problems brought by the First World War. It resulted in the rise of an ideology named ______________ in Germany.
In the 1930s, Italy followed the ideology of ______________, while the Soviet Union followed ______________.
The German Nazis promoted the personal cult of ______________, while the Japanese militarists practiced ______________ worship.
A common idea of totalitarianism in Germany, Italy and Japan was anti-communism, as it was believed that communism which advocated ______________ would destroy the unity of society.
Hitler believed that the ______________ race was superior to all other races and advocated the persecution of the _________.
To unite the Japanese people, the military government promoted an ______________ nationalism.
In March 1936, German troops entered the demilitarized ______________ . This violated the Treaty of Versailles.
Rhineland ##
Japan, Germany and Italy formed the ___________- _____________-_____________ Axis in the Second World War.
Only the leaders of Britain, France, Germany and ______________ attended the Munich Conference. The leader of ______________, to which the Sudetenland belonged, was not invited to the conference.
As the leader of the Soviet Union, ______________, was not invited to the Munich Conference, he was worried and sought to improve relations with Germany. Leaders of the two countries signed a treaty and agreed to divide up ______________ in 1939.
In 1941, Germany violated the __________________ and invaded the Soviet Union.
Column A Column B
(a) The United States □ (i) followed Fascism before the Second World War
(b) Japan □ (ii) adopted an isolation policy before the Second World War
(c) Germany □ (iii) followed Nazism before the Second World War
(d) Italy □ (iv) followed militarism before the Second World War
Column A Column B
(a) 1931 □ (i) Germany occupied the Sudetenland
(b) 1936 □ (ii) Germany sent troops to the Rhineland
(c) 1938 □ (iii) Japan invaded Shenyang
(d) 1939 □ (iv) Germany invaded Poland
Column A Column B
(a) Japan □ (i) adopted an appeasement policy towards German expansion
(b) Britain □ (ii) occupied Northeastern China in 1931
(c) Italy □ (iii) invaded Abyssinia in 1935
(d) Germany □ (iv) invaded Poland in 1939
Colum A Column B
(a) 1936 □ (i) the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis
(b) 1938 □ (ii) the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
(c) 1939 □ (iii) the Munich Agreement
(d) 1940 □ (iv) the Berlin-Rome Axis
Column A Column B
(a) Hitler □ (i) adopted an appeasement policy towards Hitler’s aggression
(b) Mussolini □ (ii) started communist rule in Russia in 1917
(c) Chamberlain □ (iii) advocated rebuilding a strong Germany
(d) Lenin □ (iv) invaded Abyssinia in 1935
Column A Column B
(a) the United States □ (i) adopted an appeasement policy towards Hitler’s aggression in the 1930s
(b) Italy □ (ii) was defeated by the Allied Powers in 1945
(c) Germany □ (iii) was defeated by the Allied Powers in 1943
(d) Britain and France □ (iv) dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945
Column A Column B
(a) Japan □ (i) opposed capitalism
(b) Italy □ (ii) started party rule after the First World War
(c) the United States □ (iii) was the country where the Great Depression started
(d) the Soviet Union □ (iv) felt disappointed with Treaty of Versailles
Column A Column B
(a) Mussolini □ (i) believed that the Munich Agreement could bring peace to Europe
(b) Stalin □ (ii) was not invited to the Munich Conference
(c) Chamberlain □ (iii) advocated a self-sufficient economy
(d) Hitler □ (iv) carried out racial extermination
How did Britain and France respond to the following German expansions?
Column A Column B
(a) invasion of Poland □ (i) declared war on Germany
(b) annexation of the whole of Czechoslovakia □ (ii) called the Munich Conference
(c) demand to take over the Sudetenland □ (iii) dropped the appeasement policy
Which of the following were problems faced by Britain, Italy and France, the victorious nations, after the First World War? i) serious unemployment ii) heavy war debt iii) social instability iv) reconstruction of the country A. i and iii B. ii and iv C. iii and iv D. All of the above
When did the Great Depression start? A. 1926 B. 1927 C. 1928 D. 1929
Which of the following was the trigger for the Great Depression?
A. Decline of American industries
B. Slump in the prices of US stocks
C. Japan suffered economic recession
D. Britain and France failed to repay their war debts
Who turned Italy into a totalitarian state in the inter-war period? A. Hitler B. Stalin C. Mussolini D. Lenin
Which of the following was/were the reason(s) for the rise of totalitarianism in Italy in the inter-war period?
i) Weaknesses of the Italian democratic government
ii) The Italians felt discontented with the territorial gain after the First World War
iii) Mussolini promised to make Italy strong again
A. i only
B. i and ii
C. i and iii
D. All of the above
Which of the following was not a feature of Fascist rule in Italy during the inter-war period?
A. Anti-communism
B. Personality cult
C. Urge for an increase in military power
D. Multi-party rule
Which of the following was not an impact brought by the Great Depression on Japan? A. Decrease in exports B. Increase in unemployment rate C. Rise of party rule D. The militarists came into power
The Japanese militarists were mainly \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. civil servants B. soldiers C. professors D. students
Which of the following was a totalitarian state before the end of the Second World War? A. Germany B. Britain C. France D. The United States
Which of the following was not advocated by the Nazis? A. Racial equality B. An expansionist policy C. Abolition of the Treaty of Versailles D. Anti-communism □
Which of the following was not a cause of the Second World War?
A. Failure of the League of Nations
B. Rise of totalitarianism
C. The appeasement policy adopted by Britain and France
D. Hitler’s policy of genocide
Japan started the Shenyang Incident in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and set up a puppet state the following year. A. 1929 B. 1930 C. 1931 D. 1932 □
Which African country was invaded by Mussolini in 1935? A. Egypt B. Morocco C. Tunisia D. Abyssinia
Germany invaded \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in 1939 and refused to withdraw. As a result, Britain and France declared war on Germany. A. Poland B. The Rhineland C. Czechoslovakia D. Abyssinia
Which two camps fought each other during the Second World War? A. The Allied Powers and the Axis Powers B. The Allied Powers and the Allies C. The Axis Powers and the Allies D. The Central Powers and the Allies
Which of the following countries were members of the Allied Powers? i) Britain ii) The United States iii) France iv) The Soviet Union v) Germany A. ii and iii B. iii and iv C. i, ii, iii and iv D. All of the above
Which of the following countries were members of the Axis Powers? i) Japan ii) China iii) Italy iv) Germany v) The Soviet Union A. i and iii B. iii and iv C. i, iii and iv D. All of the above
When did the Second World War break out? A. 1937 B. 1938 C. 1939 D. 1940
Which two countries were not captured by Germany during the Second World War? i) The United States ii) Poland iii) Czechoslovakia iv) The Soviet Union A. i and ii B. i and iv C. ii and iii D. iii and v
Which of the following incidents resulted in the entry of the United States into the Second World War?
A. The German invasion of Poland
B. The German invasion of France
C. The Japanese sudden attack on the Pearl Harbour
D. The Japanese invasion of China
When did the Pearl Harbour Incident occur? A. 1940 B. 1941 C. 1942 D. 1943
Which of the following countries last surrendered to the Allied Powers? A. Germany B. Italy C. Japan D. Bulgaria
Where did the United States drop the atomic bombs in 1945? A. Hiroshima and Nagasaki B. Nagasaki and Tokyo C. Hiroshima and Hokkaido D. Yokohama and Tokyo
Which country’s surrender marked the end of the 6-year Second World War? A. Italy B. Japan C. Germany D. The United States
Which of the following countries occupied Berlin after the Second World War? i) China ii) The Soviet Union iii) The United States iv) France v) Britain A. ii, iii and v B. i, ii, iii and iv C. i, ii, iv and v D. ii, iii, iv and v
Which country occupied Japan after the Second World War? A. Britain B. France C. China D. The United States
Which of the following countries were discontented with the Paris peace settlements after the First World War? i) The Soviet Union ii) Japan iii) Germany iv) Italy A. i and ii B. i and iii C. ii and iii D. iii and iv
Which of the following were not impacts of the Great Depression?
i) Totalitarian governments were set up in Europe
ii) Massacre of the Jews spread in Europe
iii) The United States adopted an isolation policy
iv) Some countries demanded a revision of the Treaty of Versailles
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iii
D. ii and iv
Which of the following were the major ideas of Nazism? i) Personality cult ii) Anti-communism iii) Expansionist policy iv) Racial superiority A. ii and iii B. i and iv C. iii and iv D. All of the above
Which of the following were the reasons for the rise of Nazism in Germany in the inter-war period?
i) The Weimar Republic failed to solve the post-World War I problems
ii) Germany was under the influence of Japanese militarism
iii) American refusal to lend debts because of the Great Depression further worsened the economy of Germany
iv) The Jews planned to expel the Germans from Germany
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iii
D. ii and iv
Which of the following parties followed totalitarianism? i) The Fascist Party ii) The Nazi Party iii) The Tenno Party A. i and ii B. i and iii C. ii and iii D. i, ii and iii
Who was worshipped as a living god by the Japanese during the Second World War? A. The Japanese Emperor B. Hitler C. Mussolini D. Inukai Tsuyoshi □
Which of the following places did Germany receive under the Munich Agreement? A. The Rhineland B. The Sudetenland C. Czechoslovakia D. Poland
Which of the following were results of the Munich Agreement?
i) Germany was given the Rhineland
ii) Relations among the Soviet Union, Britain and France grew worse
iii) It was the start of the German violation of the Treaty of Versailles
iv) It encouraged Germany to have further expansion
A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iii
D. ii and iv
Which of the following actions of Germany caused Britain and France to give up the appeasement policy?
A. Germany sent troops into the Rhineland
B. Germany annexed the Sudetenland
C. Germany signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union
D. Germany occupied Czechoslovakia
Which of the following countries were defeated by Germany during the Second World War? i) The Soviet Union ii) France iii) Poland iv) Norway A. i, ii and iii B. i, iii and iv C. ii, iii and iv D. All of the above
Which of the following regions were the main targets of the Axis Powers during the Second World War? i) Western Europe ii) Northern Africa iii) South East Asia iv) North America A. i, ii and iii B. i, iii and iv C. ii, iii and iv D. All of above
Which incident put an end to the Second World War?
A. The Japanese sudden attack on the Pearl Harbour
B. The liberation of France by the Allied Powers
C. The death of Hitler before the fall of Berlin
D. The American atomic bombings on Japan