WW1 Politics Flashcards
Describe Split in Liberal Party
Liberals believed in no war which caused party split and led to MPS moving to the anti-war movement and reduced the support that the Liberals had
‘Laissez Faire’
Government having little involvement in the lives of the people
1918 & Laissez-Faire
After the 1919 Representation of the People’s Act many did not support Laissez Faire which reduced Liberal Support
Describe post-war Liberal Party
Was caused the end of a strong and inited party which demoralised the party’s supporters
Describe Labour Involvement
They were involved in Red Clydeside workers demand for 40hr weeks
Both ILP and Labour campaigned for reforms in housing and health after war which increased their success
Labour Vote between 1910 and 1918
Labour vote increased from 800,000 votes in 1910 to more than 2m votes in 1918
Describe effect of Red Clydeside on Conservatives
Middle class feared the ‘revolutionist’ events of the red clydeside and saw Conservatives as the law and order and began supporting them
Post Liberals Conservatives
Conservatives benefitted from previous Liberal newspapers e.g. the Scotsman, Sunday Post - who was pro-union
Post War Conservatives
1918- Conservatives achieved 30% of the vote
After the war there was an increase in pro-unionists and pro-empire - led to many voting conservatives
Describe 1918 and 1922 Election Results
1918 - Liberal- 33 Labour - 7 Conservatives - 30
1922 Liberals - 27 Labour - 29 Conservatives - 13
(shows rise of Labour
Why did 1918 Representation of the people’s act benefit Labour
Many of the new franchise believed in the welfare state (what the Labour government supported)
Describe patter of political support
Conservatives were helped by a significant shift in politics of 4 key national organisations e.g. Church of Scotland & Legal System
Middle Class began voting for Conservatives
Working Class began voting for Labour