WW1 Bacon Quiz! Flashcards
Allied Powers
- Britain, France, Russia and later the US fought against the Central Powers.
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty ending WWI that placed harsh terms on Germany, including reparations and loss of territory. Strengths: Punished Germany. Weaknesses: Bitterness in Germany, impossible reparations.
Central powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria fought the Allies.
Eugene V. Debs
Pacifist and labor organizer who was imprisoned for opposing WWI.
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead to….?
Start of ww1 !
German U-boats
Germany’s unrestricted sub warfare
Agreements between nations to aid one another in war. They increased the scale of WWI.
Political group opposed to capitalism and advocating worker control.
People opposed to war and violence.
Woodrow Wilson
US President during WWI who proposed the Fourteen Points and League of Nations.
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Laws passed in the US to suppress dissent against the war effort.
Charles Schenck
Man imprisoned for distributing anti-draft leaflets, leading to Supreme Court case on free speech.
British ship sunk by Germany, killing over 100 Americans and turning US opinion against Germany.
Fourteen Points
- Wilson’s peace plan emphasizing self-determination, freedom of the seas, open diplomacy and the League of Nations.
War Industries Board
Agency that coordinated US wartime industrial production.
Henry Cabot Lodge
- Senator who led opposition to the Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations.