WS1#, WS#2 simple Flashcards
Generalizations about a group of people
Social Categorization
Classifying people based on similarities
Learn about stereotypes from
- trusted others2. media3. Limited exposure
(usually) negative attitude towards group of people
Why do stereotypes turn to prejudice?
Social Identity Theory (Tajfel) Realistic conflict theory (Robbers cave)
In-group bias
positive feeling about in groupnegative feeling about out group
Two step model
When do we automate
Lack time or energy
Factors that bias perception
AttentionIllusory correlations Confirmation bias
How to revise beliefs
- Bookkeeping method2. Conversion method3. Sub-typing method
Stereotype threat leads to
- Performance deficits2. Depends on mindset3. Strong when domain in important
Contact hypothesis
Contact reduces prejudice
Six conditions for contact to reduce prejudice
- Mutual interdependence2. Common goal3. Equal status of members4. Informal interpersonal contact5. Multiple members of out-group6. Social norms
Imagined inter-group contact
deceptively simple and effective, has to be positive
Unjustified negative action towards member of a group
Institutionalized prejudice and discrimination
norm, due to normative conformity
Best workplace practices
- Monitor statistics2. Broaden recruitment base3. Multiple interviewers4. Transparency5. Norms of equality
Justification-Suppression model
Urge for prejudice Positive self-image