Wrongful dismissal Flashcards
Claim for suspension?
Yes! Gogay v Hertfordshire CC
Claim for stigma?
Yes! Malik v BCCI
Events leading up to dismissal?
Yes! Edwards v Chesterfield hospital
Disciplinary procedure not followed?
Loss of reputation / hurt feelings?
No! Addis v Gramophone
Manner of dismissal?
No! Johnson v Unisys
When can we grant Specific implement?
Where disciplinary procedure not followed (Robb)
Where improper procedure followed (Peace v Edinburgh cc)
Where person not given job due to 3rd party grievance (Powell v LB of Brent)
Notice periods
1 week if month of employment
2 weeks if 2 years of employment
Each year after, get 2 weeks
Can’t make shorter, but can make longer!
If discretionary - Horkulak
But not if dependent on continuation of contract (Commerzbank AG v Keen